Chinese Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about Chinese Literature.

Chinese Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about Chinese Literature.

Tsz-chang was asking how the standard of virtue was to be raised, and how to discern what was illusory or misleading.  The Master’s answer was, “Give a foremost place to honesty and faithfulness, and tread the path of righteousness, and you will raise the standard of virtue.  As to discerning what is illusory, here is an example of an illusion:—­Whom you love you wish to live; whom you hate you wish to die.  To have wished the same person to live and also to be dead—­there is an illusion for you.”

Duke King of Ts’i consulted Confucius about government.  His answer was, “Let a prince be a prince, and ministers be ministers; let fathers be fathers, and sons be sons.”

“Good!” exclaimed the duke; “truly if a prince fail to be a prince, and ministers to be ministers, and if fathers be not fathers, and sons not sons, then, even though I may have my allowance of grain, should I ever be able to relish it?”

“The man to decide a cause with half a word,” exclaimed the Master, “is Tsz-lu!”

Tsz-lu never let a night pass between promise and performance.

“In hearing causes, I am like other men,” said the Master.  “The great point is—­to prevent litigation.”

Tsz-chang having raised some question about government, the Master said to him, “In the settlement of its principles be unwearied; in its administration—­see to that loyally.”

“The man of wide research,” said he, “who also restrains himself by the Rules of Propriety, is not likely to transgress.”

Again, “The noble-minded man makes the most of others’ good qualities, not the worst of their bad ones.  Men of small mind do the reverse of this.”

Ki K’ang was consulting him about the direction of public affairs.  Confucius answered him, “A director should be himself correct.  If you, sir, as a leader show correctness, who will dare not to be correct?”

Ki K’ang, being much troubled on account of robbers abroad, consulted Confucius on the matter.  He received this reply:  “If you, sir, were not covetous, neither would they steal, even were you to bribe them to do so.”

Ki K’ang, when consulting Confucius about the government, said, “Suppose I were to put to death the disorderly for the better encouragement of the orderly—­what say you to that?”

“Sir,” replied Confucius, “in the administration of government why resort to capital punishment?  Covet what is good, and the people will be good.  The virtue of the noble-minded man is as the wind, and that of inferior men as grass; the grass must bend, when the wind blows upon it.”

Tsz-chang asked how otherwise he would describe the learned official who might be termed influential.

“What, I wonder, do you mean by one who is influential?” said the Master.

“I mean,” replied the disciple, “one who is sure to have a reputation throughout the country, as well as at home.”

Project Gutenberg
Chinese Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.