Chinese Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about Chinese Literature.

Chinese Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about Chinese Literature.

Book iv.—­The decade of K’e-foo.—­
  On the Completion of a Royal Palace
  The Condition of King Seuen’s Flocks

Book V.—­The decade of SEAOU Min.—­
  A Eunuch Complains of His Fate
  An Officer Deplores the Misery of the Time
  On the Alienation of a Friend

Book VI.—­The decade of pih shan.—­
  A Picture of Husbandry
  The Complaint of an Officer

Book VII.—­Decade of sang hoo.—­
  The Rejoicings of a Bridegroom
  Against Listening to Slanderers

Book VIII.—­The decade of too Jin Sze.—­
  In Praise of By-gone Simplicity
  A Wife Bemoans Her Husband’s Absence
  The Earl of Shaou’s Work
  The Plaint of King Yew’s Forsaken Wife
  On the Misery of Soldiers

Part III.—­Greater Odes of the Kingdom.

Book I.—­Decade of king wan.—­
  Celebrating King Wan

[Book II. is omitted]

Book iii.—­Decade of Tang.—­
  King Seuen on the Occasion of a Great Drought

Part IV.—­Odes of the Temple and Altar.

Book I.—­Sacrificial odes of chow.—­
  Appropriate to a Sacrifice to King Wan
  On Sacrificing to the Kings Woo, Ching, and K’ang

The travels of Fa-hien
Translator’s Introduction
I. From Ch’ang-gan to the Sandy Desert
ii.  On to Shen-shen and thence to Khoten
iii.  Khoten—­Processions of Images
iv.  Through the Ts’ung Mountains to K’eech-ch’a
V. Great Quinquennial Assembly of Monks
VI.  North India—­Image of Maitreya Bodhisattva
VII.  The Perilous Crossing of the Indus
VIII.  Woo-chang, or Udyana—­Traces of Buddha
IX.  Soo ho-to—­Legends of Buddha
X. Gandhara—­Legends of Buddha
XI.  Takshasila—­Legends—­The Four Great Topes
XII.  Buddha’s Alms-bowl—­Death of Hwuy-king
XIII.  Festival of Buddha’s Skull-bone
xiv.  Crossing the Indus to the East
XV.  Sympathy of Monks with the Pilgrims
XVI.  Condition and Customs of Central India
XVII.  Legend of the Trayastrimsas Heaven
XVIII.  Buddha’s Subjects of Discourse
XIX.  Legend of Buddha’s Danta-kashtha
XX.  The Jetavana Vihara—­Legends of Buddha
xxi.  The Three Predecessors of Sakyamuni
XXII.  Legends of Buddha’s Birth
XXIII.  Legends of Rama and its Tope
XXIV.  Where Buddha Renounced the World
XXV.  The Kingdom of Vaisali
XXVI.  Remarkable Death of Ananda
XXVII.  King Asoka’s Spirit-built Palace

Project Gutenberg
Chinese Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.