The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Fran.  That you might receive a Lover,—­’tis plain—­and my Indignation’s high.

Jul.  Heav’n knows I meant—­

Fran.  Only to cuckold me a little,—­get you in,—­where I will swear thee by Bell, Book and Candle,—­get you in, I say,—­go, go,—­I’ll watch for your Lover, and tell him how unkind he was to stay so long, I will.—­

[Ex.  Julia, he stands just in the door, Carlos advances.

Car.  I hear no noise, sure ’twas he,—­and he’s gone in—­ To reap those Joys he knows not how to value, And I must languish for; I’ll stay a little—­perhaps Jacinta may return again, for anything belonging to my Julia is dear, even to my Soul.

[Goes just to the door, Fran. bolts out on him.

Fran.  Who’s there?—­what wou’d you have?—­who wou’d you speak to?—­who do you come from?—­and what’s your business?

Car.  Hah, ’tis the Sot himself;—­my name is Carlos.

Fran. Carlos! what Father of Belzebub sent him hither?—­a plain case;—­I’ll murder her out of hand.

Car.—­And I wou’d speak to any body, Friend, that belongs to the fair Clara,—­if you are any of this house.

Fran.  Only the Cuckold of the house, that’s all;—­my name, Sir, is Francisco; but you, perhaps, are better acquainted with my Wife.

Car. Francisco, let me embrace you, my noble Brother, and chide you, that you wou’d not visit me.
                [Going to embrace him, he flies off.

Fran.  And bring my Wife along with me.

Car.  Both had been welcome—­and all I have, you shou’d command.

Fran.  For my Wife’s sake—­what if I shou’d pistol him now;—­and I am damnably provok’d to’t, had I but Courage to shoot off one. [Aside.

Car.  Methinks you make not so kind returns as my Friendship to you, and the Alliance shall be between us, deserves.

Fran.  I am something ill-bred, I confess, Sir;—­’tis dark, and if I shou’d do’t no body wou’d know ’twas I. [Aside.

Car.  I fear there’s some Misunderstanding between us, pray let us go in a while, I’ll talk you from your error.
                      [Offers to go, he gets between him and the door.

Fran.  Between us, Sir! oh Lord, not in the least, Sir, I love and honour you so heartily—­I’d be content to give you to the Devil, but the noise of the Pistol wou’d discover the business. [Aside.

Car.  Come, let’s in, and talk a while.

Fran.  I’m sorry I cannot do’t, Sir, we are something incommoded being not at our own house.

Car.  Brother, I am afraid you are a little inclined to be jealous, that will destroy all Friendship.—­

Fran.  So, how finely the Devil begins to insinuate!

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.