The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Car.  Now Love and wild Desire prompt me to kill this happy Rival,—­ he’s old, and can’t be long in his Arrears to Nature.—­What if I paid the debt? [Draws halfway.  One single push wou’d do’t, and Julia’s mine;—­but, hang’t, Adultery is a less sin than Murder, and I will wait my Fortune.—­

Ant.  Where are you,—­Don Carlos?

Car.  Who’s there, Antonio?  I took thee for my Rival, and ten to one but I had done thy business.

Ant.  I heard ye talking and believ’d you safe, and came in hopes to get a little time to speak to Clara in;—­hah!—­Jacinta—­

Jac.  Who’s there, Antonio?
                      [Peeping out of the door.

Ant.  The same; may I not speak with Clara?

Jac.  Come in, she’s here.—­

Car.  And prithee, dear Jacinta, let me have one word with Julia
more, she need not fear surprize; just at the door let me but kiss her hand.
         [Going in.

Jac.  I’ll see if I can bring her.—­

Enter Francisco.

Fran.  A proud ungracious Flirt,—­a Lord with a Pox! here’s a fine business, i’faith, that she should be her own Carver,—­well I’ll home, and thunder her together with a vengeance.

Car.  Who’s here? sure this is he indeed; I’ll step aside, lest my
being seen give him an occasion of jealousy, and make him affront his
         [Goes aside as Fran. was going in.

Enter Julia.

Fran.  Hum, what have we here, a Woman?

Jul.  Heavens! what, not gone yet, my Dear?

Fran.  So, so, ’tis my confounded Wife, who expecting some body wou’d have me gone now.

Jul.  Are you not satisfied with all I’ve said,
With all the Vows I’ve made,
Which here anew, in sight of Heaven, I breathe?

Fran.  Yes, yes, you can promise fair, but hang him that trusts ye.

Jul.  Go, go, and pray be satisfyed with my eternal Love.—­

Fran.  How fain she’d have me gone now; ah, subtle Serpent! is not this plain demonstration,—­I shall murder her, I find the Devil great with me. [Aside still.

Jul.—­What is’t thou pausest on?

Fran.  The wicked Dissimulation of villainous Woman. [Aloud to her.

Jul. Francisco!

Fran.  Oh thou Monster of Ingratitude, have I caught thee?  You’d have me gone, wou’d ye? ay, to Heaven, I believe, like a wicked Woman as you are, so you were rid of me.  Go,—­and be satisfyed of my eternal love —­ah, Gipsey,—­no, Gentlewoman, I am a tuff bit, and will hold you tugging till your heart ake.

Jul.  Why, was there such hurt in desiring you to go that you might make haste back again,—­Oh, my fears!

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.