The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Enter Isabella.

I have a high commendation of your fine Behaviour, Gentlewoman, to Antonio; his Father has sent for me, and I shall know all anon, this shall but hasten your Wedding, Huswise, I tell you that, and so farewel to you—­
            [Ex.  Isabella crying.

Cla.  Say you so, then ’tis time for me to look about me.

Jul.  But will you go out so late, Love? indeed some hurt will come to thee.

Fran.  No, look ye, I go arm’d. [Shews his Girdle round with Pistols.  Go, get you to your Chambers.

[He goes out, they go in.

SCENE II. Changes to the Street.

Enter Carlos, Antonio.

Car.  I wonder where this Man of mine should be, whom I sent this Evening with my Letter to Julia.  What art thou?

    Enter Guzman, runs against Carlos.

Guz.  My Lord, ’tis I, your trusty Trojan, Guzman.—­what makes you here, Sir, so near the Door of your Mistress?

Car.  To wait my Doom; what Tidings hast thou, Guzman?

Guz.  Why, Sir, I went as you directed me, to Don Baltazer’s.

Car.  And didst thou deliver it?

Guz.  And the first thing I met with was old Francisco.

Car.  So.

Guz.  To whom I civilly addrest my self—­told him, you presented your Service to him,—­sent to know how his Lady and he did.  Which word Lady I no sooner named, but I thought he would have saluted me with a Cudgel,—­in fine, observing her behind him, whom he shelter’d all he could with his Cloke, I taking an occasion to whisper him, gave it her over his shoulder, whilst she return’d some Smiles and Looks of Joy,—­but for an answer, ’twas impossible to get the least sign of one.

Car.  No matter, that joy was evident she wisht me one, and by the first opportunity my diligent waiting will be recompensed; but where hast thou been all this while?

Guz.  Finding out the Chimney-sweeper you spoke of, Sir, and whom you ordered me to bring this Evening.

Car.  And hast thou found him?

Guz.  He’s here, at the corner of the Street, I’ll call him.
                                              [Ex.  Guz.

Car.  I have, Antonio, besides your particular Revenge, one of my own to act by this deceit, since all my Industry to see the charming Julia has hitherto been vain, I have resolv’d upon a new project, if this False Count pass upon ’em, as I doubt not but he will, and that he gets admittance into the House, I’ll pass for one of his Domesticks.

   Enter Guzman and Guiliom.  Page holding his lanthorn to his face.

Guz.  Here’s the Fellow, Sir.

Ant.  Fellow! he may be the Devil’s Fellow by his countenance.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.