The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Fran.  So—­you two are damnable close together, ’tis for no goodness I’ll warrant, you have your trade betimes.

Jac.  Meaning me, Sir?

Fran.  Yes, you, one of my Wife’s evil Counsellors,—­go, get you up both to your respective Chambers, go—­

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Bal.  Barring your Compliments, good Son, give me leave to speak.

Fran.  Shaw, I know as well as your self what you wou’d say now; you wou’d assure me I am sole Master of your House, and may command; that you are heartily glad to see me at Cadiz, and that you desire I wou’d resolve upon a Week’s stay, or so; that you’ll spare nothing for my entertainment:  why, I know all this, and therefore pray take my word, good Father-in-Law, without any more ado.

Bal.  Well, Sir, pray answer me one question, what drew you to Cadiz?

Fran.  Why, I’ll tell you; in the first place, a Pox of all Lovers, I say; for my Daughter Isabella is to be married, as you know, to Antonio, a young rich Merchant of this Town; in the second place, my Wife, with a Vengeance, must be gadding to visit you and her Sister, whom we heard also was to be married to the young Governor Don Carlos; ’tis shreudly against my will, Heav’n knows, for my Wits are in an uproar already about this business—­your Gallants, Father, your young Gallants,—­I wish my Wife were secure at home again.

Bal.  Pray, why so?

Fran.  Alas, I see the Trick, Sir, a mere Trick put upon a Man, a married Man, and a married Man to a handsome young Woman,—­you apprehend me.

Bal.  Not I, Sir.

Fran.  Not you, Sir! why, look ye, your young Governor who now is, made most desperate love to her who is now my Wife, d’ye mind me?—­but you, being a Man of an exact Judgment, to her great grief, gave her to me, who best deserv’d her, both for my civil Behaviour, and comely Personage, d’ye understand me? but now this Carlos, by his Father’s death, being made Governor, d’ye see? is to marry me your other daughter Clara, and to exasperate me, wou’d never let me be at quiet till he had got both of us hither to Cadiz, to grace his Wedding; a Pox of his Invitation, was I so civil to invite him to mine?

Bal.  If this be your Affliction, you may avoid it.

Fran.  No, no, I’ll try to force Nature a little, and be civil, or so; but as soon as the Ceremony’s over, I’ll steal out of Town, whip a way, presto, i’faith.

Bal.  But shou’d you do so rude a thing to your new Brother, your Wife wou’d think you were jealous of her.  No, dissemble that Fault, I beseech you, ’twill make you odious to her and all the world, when ’tis needless, ’tis natural for Women to hate what they fear.

Fran.  Say you so, then I will hide it as much as I can in words, I can dissemble too upon occasion.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.