The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Friend.  I find Diana knows me not; and this Year’s absence, since I first made my Addresses to her, has alter’d me much, or she has lost the remembrance of a Man, whom she ever disesteem’d till in this lucky Dress:  the price of her Favour is Bellmour’s Life.  I need not have been brib’d for that, his Breach of Faith both to my Sister and my self, enough incites me to Revenge—­He has not yet enjoy’d her, that Blessing is reserv’d for me alone; and though the Priest have joyn’d ’em, that Marriage may be disannull’d, and she has a Fortune sufficient to excuse her other Faults.

    Enter Bellmour sad.

—­Hah! the Man I seek—­so near my Lodgings too—­Sir!

Bel.  Sir!

Friend.  Traitor! thou know’st me, and my bus’ness.—­ Look on this Face, if thou dar’st look on him Whom thou hast doubly wrong’d—­and draw thy Sword.

Bel.  Thou should’st be Friendlove, Brother to Celinda.

Friend.  And Lover of Diana too—­Oh, quickly draw, Or I shall leave thee, like a Coward, dead.

Bel.  No, rather like a Sacrifice, [Offers to embrace him
And thou should’st be the Priest should offer it;
But that I have yet,
For some few moments, business for my Life.

Friend.  I can allow no time for business now, My Injuries are in haste, and so am I.

Bel.  Shou’dst thou stab here a thousand gaping Wounds,
Upon this false, this perjur’d Heart of mine,
It wou’d not part with Life, unless ’twere laid
Near to the Sacred Altar of my Vows,
Low at the Feet of my fair injur’d Wife.

Friend.  Ha!—­means he his Wife? [Aside
Canst thou repent thy Injuries to her,
And leave the rest of all thy Sins neglected?

Bel.  Those I have done to thee, though foul and barbarous, May plead the Excuse of Force—­but those to her, Not thou, nor I, nor she, or Heav’n can pardon.

Friend.  Heav’ns! 
My Sister’s Wrongs, and mine, may plead Excuse,
But those to her alone can ne’er be pardon’d. 
—­This place, Sir, is too open—­come with me,
For I’ve desir’d, and now resolve to kill thee.

Bel.  And so thou shalt; defenceless, I will yield,
And leave my Bosom open to thy Sword. 
—­But first conduct me to my Wife;
For I will see her—­nor can I die unpardon’d.

Friend.  See his Wife!—­Of whom do you demand her.

Bel.  Of thee!—­dar’st thou detain me? [Offers to go in.

Friend.  Death! how shou’d he know she’s here?    [Aside. 
—­Stay, Sir, this way our Business lies.    [Pulls him back.

Bel.  I ask not thine, but mine lies only this way.
                                       [Offers to go in again.

Friend.  By Heav’n, you shall not enter here.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.