The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Phil.  What’s that, a Wench?

Sir Tim.  Fie, fie, that’s a gross Name; no, a Miss, that’s the Word—­ a Lady of Delight, a Person of Pleasure and the rest; I’ll keep thee, not a Woman of Quality shall be half so fine—­Come, dear Phillis, yield.  Oh, I am mad for the happy hour—­come, say the word, ’tis but inclining thy Head a little thus, thy pretty Eyes down, and thy Cheeks all Blushes, and fetching a long Sigh—­thus—­with—­do—­what you please —­at the end on’t—­and I shall take it for granted.

Phil.  That, Sir, you’ll never hear me say to any thing but a Husband, if I must say it then.

Sir Tim.  A Husband! it is enough to spoil a Man’s Appetite, the very naming on’t—­By Fortune, thou hast been bred with thy great Grand-mother, some old Queen Elizabeth Lady, that us’d to preach Warnings to young Maidens; but had she liv’d in this Age, she wou’d have repented her Error, especially had she seen the Sum that I offer thee—­Come, let’s in, by Fortune, I’m so vigorous, I shall ravish else.

Phil.  Unhand me, or I’ll call out.  I assure you, this is not the way to gain me.

Sir Tim.  I know there is a way to gain all mortal Womankind; but how to hit the critical Minute of the Berjere—­

Phil.  It is past your Politicks at this time, Sir.

Sir Tim.  I’ll try all ways, and the Devil’s in it, if I don’t hit upon the right at last. [Aside.  All the soft things I’ve said—­

Phil.  That a Knight of your Parts ought to say.

Sir Tim.  Then I have kneel’d—­and cry’d, and swore—­and—­

Phil.  And damn’d your self five hundred times.

Sir Tim.  Yet still y’are impregnable—­I’ll make another Proposition to you, which is both reasonable and modish—­if it prove a Boy—­I’ll marry you—­the Devil’s in’t, if that be not fair.

Phil.  You get no earnest of me, Sir, and so farewel to you.
                                             [Ex.  Phillis.

    Enter Sham.

Sir Tim.  Oh, Sham, I am all over fire, mad to enjoy.  I have done what Man can do (without doing what I wou’d do) and still she’s Flint; nothing will down with her but Matrimony—­what shall I do? for thou know’st I cannot marry a Wife without a Fortune.

Sham.  Sir, you know the old Cheat; hire a Lay Rascal in a Canonical Habit, and put a false Marriage upon her.

Sir Tim.  Lord, that this shou’d not enter into my Coxcomb before! haste then and get one—­I’ll have it done immediately, whilst I go after her to keep up my flame.
                    [Ex.  Sir Tim.

Sham.  And I will fit you with a Parson presently.


SCENE III. A Street.

    Enter Friendlove disguis’d as before.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.