The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Cel.  Yes, if you dare, there’s danger in it though,
She has Charms that will bewitch you: 
—­I dare not stand their Mischief.

Friend.  Lady, I am a Soldier—­yet in my gentlest Terms
I humbly beg to kiss your lovely Hands—­
Death! there’s Magick in the Touch. 
By Heaven, you carry an Artillery in every part.

Dia.  This is a Man indeed fit for my purpose. [Aside.

Friend.  Nay, do not view me, I am no lovely Object;
I am a Man bred up to Noise and War,
And know not how to dress my Looks in Smiles;
Yet trust me, fair one, I can love and serve
As well as an Endymion, or Adonis
Wou’d you were willing to permit that Service!

Dia.  Why, Sir?—­What cou’d you do?

Friend.  Why—­I cou’d die for you.

Dia.  I need the Service of the living, Sir.  But do you love me, Sir?

Friend.  Or let me perish, flying from a single Enemy.  I am a Gentleman, and may pretend to love you; And what you can command, I can perform.

Dia.  Take heed, Sir, what you say, for I’m in earnest.

Friend.  Command me any thing that’s just and brave; And, by my Eyes, ’tis done.

Dia.  I know not what you call just or brave; But those whom I do the Honour to command, Must not capitulate.

Friend.  Let him be blasted with the Name of Coward, That dares dispute your Orders.

Dia.  Dare you fight for me?

Friend.  With a whole Army; ’tis my Trade to fight.

Dia.  Nay, ’tis but a single Man.

Friend.  Name him.

Dia. Bellmour.

Friend.  Of Yorkshire?  Companion to young Friendlove, that came lately from Italy?

Dia.  Yes, do you know him?

Friend.  I do, who has oft spoke of Bellmour;
We travel’d into Italy together—­But since, I hear,
He fell in love with a fair cruel Maid,
For whom he languishes.

Dia.  Heard you her Name?

Friend. Diana, rich in Beauty, as in Fortune. 
—­Wou’d she had less of both, and more of Pity;
And that I knew not how to wish, till now
That I became a Lover, perhaps as unsuccessful. [Aside.

Dia.  I knew my Beauty had a thousand Darts,
But knew not they cou’d strike so quick and home. [Aside
Let your good Wishes for your Friend alone,
Lest he being happy, you shou’d be undone. 
For he and you cannot be blest at once.

Friend.  How, Madam!

Dia.  I am that Maid he loves, and who hates him.

Friend.  Hate him!

Dia.  To Death.

Friend.  Oh, me unhappy! [Aside.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.