The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
do express,
Respectful Love arrives to Happiness. 
Leo his strength and Majesty,
Virgo her blushing Modesty,
Libra all his Equity. 
His Subtilty does
Scorpio show,
Sagittarius all his loose desire,
Capricorn his forward Humour know,
Aqua, Lovers Tears that raise his Fire,
Pisces, which intwin’d do move,
Shew the soft Play, and wanton Arts of Love


For since Love wore his Darts,
And Virgins grew coy;
Since these wounded Hearts,
And those you’d destroy,
There ne’er was more Cause for Triumphs and Joy

—­See how she turns, and sends her Signs to Earth.—­Behold the Ram, Aries—­see Taurus next descends; then Gemini—­see how the Boys embrace.—­Next Cancer, then Leo, then the Virgin; next to her Libra—­Scorpio, Sagittary, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.  This eight thousand Years no Emperor has descended, but Incognito; but when he does, to make his Journey more magnificent, the Zodiack, Sir, attends him.

Doct.  ’Tis all amazing, Sir.

Kep.  Now, Sir, behold the Globick World descends two thousand Leagues below its wonted Station, to shew Obedience to its proper Monarch.

[After which, the Globe of the Moon appears, first like a new Moon, as it moves forward it increases till it comes to the Full.  When it is descended, it opens and shews the Emperor and the Prince.  They come forth with all their Train, the Flutes playing a Symphony before them, which prepares the Song.  Which ended the Dancers mingle as before.


  All Joy to Mortals, Joy and Mirth,
IO’S sing;
  The Gods of Love descend to Earth,
    Their Darts have lost the Sting. 
  The Youth shall now complain no more
Sylvia’s needless Scorn,
  But she shall love, if he adore,
    And melt when he shall burn.

  The Nymph no longer shall be shy,
    But leave the jilting Road;
  And_ Daphne now no more shall fly
    The wounded panting God;
  But all shall be serene and fair,
    No sad Complaints of Love
  Shall fill the gentle whispering Air,
    No echoing Sighs the Grove.

  Beneath the Shades young_ Strephon lies,
    Of all his Wish possess’d;
  Gazing on
Sylvia’s charming Eyes,
    Whose Soul is there confessed. 
  All soft and sweet the Maid appears,
    With Looks that know no Art,
  And though she yields with trembling Fears,
    She yields with all her Heart

—­See, Sir, the Cloud of Foreigners appears, French, English, Spaniards, Danes, Turks, Russians, Indians, and the nearer Climes of Christendom; and lastly, Sir, behold the mighty Emperor.—­

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.