The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Doct.  Ha,—­Is that Imagination too?—­Betray’d, betray’d, undone! run for my Pistols, call up my Servants, Peter, a Plot upon my Daughter and my Niece!

    [Runs out with Peter.  Scaramouch puts out the Candle,
    they come out of the Hanging, which is drawn away.  He places
    ’em in a Row just at the Entrance

Scar.  Here, here, fear nothing, hold by each other, that when I go out, all may go; that is, slip out, when you hear the Doctor is come in again, which he will certainly do, and all depart to your respective Lodgings.

Cin.  And leave thee to bear the Brunt?

Scar.  Take you no care for that, I’ll put it into my Bill of Charges, and be paid all together.

Enter the Doctor with Pistols, and Peter.

Doct.  What, by dark? that shall not save you, Villains, Traitors to my Glory and Repose.—­Peter, hold fast the Door, let none ’scape.

[They all slip out.

Pet.  I’ll warrant you, Sir.

[Doctor gropes about, stamps and calls.

Doct.  Lights there—­Lights—­I’m sure they cou’d not ’scape.

Pet.  Impossible, Sir.

Enter Scaramouch undress’d in his Shirt, with a Light; he starts.

Scar.  Bless me!—­what’s here?

Doct.  Ha—­Who art thou? [Amaz’d to see him enter so.

Scar.  I, who the Devil are you, and you go to that?
    [Rubs his Eyes, and brings the Candle nearer, looks on him
—­Mercy upon us!—­Why, what, is’t you, Sir, return’d so soon?

Doct.  Return’d! [Looking sometimes on him, sometimes about.

Scar.  Ay, Sir, did you not go out of Town last night, to your Brother the Advocate?

Doct.  Thou Villain, thou question’st me, as if thou knew’st not that I was return’d.

Scar.  I know, Sir! how shou’d I know?  I’m sure I am but just awakened from the sweetest Dream.—­

Doct.  You dream still, Sirrah, but I shall wake your Rogueship.—­Were you not here but now, shewing me a piece of Tapestry, you Villain?

Scar.  Tapestry!

[Mopsophil listning all the while.

Doct.  Yes, Rogue, yes, for which I’ll have thy Life.
                                           [Offering a Pistol.

Scar.  Are you stark mad, Sir? or do I dream still?

Doct.  Tell me, and tell me quickly, Rogue, who were those Traitors that were hid but now in the Disguise of a piece of Hangings.
                                   [Holds the Pistol to his Breast.

Scar.  Bless me! you amaze me, Sir.  What conformity has every Word you say, to my rare Dream!  Pray let me feel you, Sir,—­Are you human?

Doct.  You shall feel I am, Sirrah, if thou confess not.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.