The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Har.  Coward! nay, then I am provok’d, come on.

Scar.  Pardon me, Sir, I gave the Coward, and you ought to strike.

[They go to fight ridiculously, and ever as Scaramouch passes, Harlequin leaps aside, and skips so nimbly about, he cannot touch him for his Life; which after a while endeavouring in vain, he lays down his Sword.

—­If you be for dancing, Sir, I have my Weapons for all occasions.

    [Scar. pulls out a Flute Doux, and falls to playing.  Har.
    throws down his, and falls a dancing; after the Dance, they
    shake hands

Har. Ha mon bon ami.—­Is not this better than duelling?

Scar.  But not altogether so heroick, Sir.  Well, for the future, let us have fair play; no Tricks to undermine each other, but which of us is chosen to be the happy Man, the other shall be content.

Ela. [Within.] Cousin Bellemante, Cousin.

Scar.  ’Slife, let’s be gone, lest we be seen in the Ladies Apartment.

[Scar. slips Harlequin behind the Door.

Enter Elaria.

Ela.  How now, how came you here?—­

Scar. [Signs to Har. to go out.] I came to tell you, Madam, my Master’s just taking Mule to go his Journey to Night, and that Don Cinthio is in the Street, for a lucky moment to enter in.

Ela.  But what if any one by my Father’s Order, or he himself should by some chance surprize us?

Scar.  If we be, I have taken order against a Discovery.  I’ll go see if the old Gentleman be gone, and return with your Lover.
                                                  [Goes out.

Ela.  I tremble, but know not whether ’tis with Fear or Joy.

Enter Cinthio.

Cin.  My dear Elaria—­
                 [Runs to imbrace her, She starts from him
—­Ha,—­shun my Arms, Elaria!

Ela.  Heavens!  Why did you come so soon?

Cin.  Is it too soon, whene’er ’tis safe, Elaria?

Ela.  I die with Fear—­Met you not Scaramouch?  He went to bid you wait a while; what shall I do?

Cin.  Why this Concern? none of the House has seen me.  I saw your Father taking Horse.

Ela.  Sure you mistake, methinks I hear his Voice.

Doct. [Below.]—­My Key—­The Key of my Laboratory.  Why, Knave Scaramouch, where are you?

Ela.  Do you hear that, Sir?—­Oh, I’m undone! 
Where shall I hide you?—­He approaches.
                   [She searches where to hide him
Ha! my Cousin’s Closet’s open,—­step in a little.
                   [He goes in, she puts out the Candle.

Enter the Doctor. She gets round the Chamber to the
Door, and as he advances in, she steals out

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.