The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Bell.  Ah, Malheureuse!  How was I mistaken in this Man?

Char.  Mistaken!  What, did you take me for an easy Fool to be impos’d upon?—­One that wou’d be cuckolded by every feather’d Fool; that you’d call a Beau un Gallant Homme.  ’Sdeath!  Who wou’d doat upon a fond She-Fop?—­a vain conceited amorous Coquette.
                             [Goes out, she pulls him back.

Enter Scaramouch running.

Sea.  Oh Madam! hide your Lover, or we are all undone.

Char.  I will not hide, till I know the thing that made the Verses.
                                 [The Doctor calling as on the Stairs.

Doct.  Bellemante, Niece,—­Bellemante.

Scar.  She’s coming, Sir.—­Where, where shall I hide him? 
—­Oh, the Closet’s open!
            [Thrusts him into the Closet by force.

Enter Doctor.

Doct.  Oh Niece!  Ill Luck, Ill Luck, I must leave you to night; my Brother the Advocate is sick, and has sent for me; ’tis three long Leagues, and dark as ’tis, I must go.—­They say he is dying.  Here, take my Keys, [Pulls out his Keys, one falls down. and go into my Study, and look over all my Papers, and bring me all those mark’d with a Cross and figure of Three, they concern my Brother and I.

[She looks on Scaramouch, and makes pitiful Signs, and goes out.

—­Come, Scaramouch, and get me ready for my Journey; and on your Life, let not a Door be open’d till my Return.


Enter Mopsophil.  Har. peeps from under the Table.

Har.  Ha! Mopsophil, and alone!

Mop.  Well, ’tis a delicious thing to be rich; what a world of Lovers it invites:  I have one for every Hand, and the Favorite for my Lips.

Har.  Ay, him wou’d I be glad to know. [Peeping.

Mop.  But of all my Lovers, I am for the Farmer’s Son, because he keeps a Calash—­and I’ll swear a Coach is the most agreeable thing about a Man.

Har.  Ho, ho!

Mop.  Ah, me,—­What’s that?

[He answers in a shrill Voice.

Har.  The Ghost of a poor Lover, dwindled into a Heyho.

    [He rises from under the Table, and falls at her Feet
    Scaramouch enters.  She runs off squeaking.

Scar.  Ha, My Rival and my Mistress!—­Is this done like a Man of Honour, Monsieur Harlequin, to take advantages to injure me? [Draws.

Har.  Advantages are lawful in Love and War.

Scar.  ’Twas contrary to our League and Covenant; therefore I defy thee as a Traytor.

Har.  I scorn to fight with thee, because I once call’d thee Brother.

Scar.  Then thou art a Poltroon, that’s to say, a Coward.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.