The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Org.  You once believ’d that I had guilty been,
And had the Punishment, but not the Sin;
I suffer’d when ’twas thought I did aspire,
And should by this have rais’d my crimes yet higher.

King.  How did Philander take Erminia’s death?

Gal.  My own surprize and grief was so extream,
I know not what effects it had in him;
But this account of him, I’m forc’d to give,
Since she is dead, I know he cannot live.

King.  I’ll know Philander’s fate e’er I proceed; And if he die, Alcippus too shall bleed.


SCENE VIII. The Gallery.

Enter Falatius and Labree.

Fal.  Wert thou never valiant, Labree?

Lab.  Yes, Sir, before I serv’d you, and since too:  I Am provok’d to give you proofs on’t sometimes; For when I am angry I am a very Hector.

Fal.  Ay, the Devil when a body’s angry, but that’s
Not the Valour in mode; Men fight now a-days
Without that, and even embrace whilst they draw
Their Swords on one another.

Lab.  Ay, Sir, those are Men that despise their lives.

Fal.  Why, that’s it, Labree, that I would learn to do, And which I fear, nothing but Poverty will make me do; Jove defend me from that experiment.

    Enter Erminia veil’d with a thin Tiffany.

Lab.  What’s the matter, Sir?  Does the fit take you now?

Fal.  Save us, save us, from the Fiend.

Lab.  A Ghost, a Ghost!  O, O, O!

[They fall shaking on the ground.

Er.  This was a happy mistake,
Now I may pass with safety.

Fal.  Look up, Labree, if thou hast any of that Courage thou spakest of but now.

Lab.  I dare not, Sir, experience yours I pray.

Fal.  Alas, alas, I fear we are both rank Cowards.

Lab.  Rise, Sir, ’tis gone.

Fal.  This was worse than the fright Alcander put Me into by much.

[They rise and go out.

SCENE IX.  Philander’s Apartments.

    Enter Philander and Cleontius.

Phi.  I know he’s fled to the Camp, For there he only can secure himself.

Cle.  I do not think it, Sir. 
He’s too brave to justify an Action
Which was the Outrage only of his Passion,
That soon will toil it self into a Calm,
And then will grow considerate again,
And hate the Rashness it provok’d him to.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.