The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Alcan.  That was my Fate, not Fault, I knew him not: 
But yet to make up my offence to you,
I offer you my life; for I’m undone,
If any faults of mine should make you sad.

Am.  Here, take your Sword again, my Brother’s well.
                       [She gives him his Sword again.

Fal.  Yes, by Jove, as I am:  you had been finely serv’d, If I had kill’d you now.

Am.  What, sorry for the news? ha, ha, ha.

Alcan.  No, sorry y’are a Woman, a mere Woman.

Am.  Why, did you ever take me for a Man? ha, ha.

Alcan.  Thy Soul, I thought, was all so; but I see
You have your weakness, can dissemble too;
—­I would have sworn that Sorrow in your face
Had been a real one: 
Nay, you can die in jest, you can, false Woman: 
I hate thy Sex for this.

Fal.  By Jove, there is no truth in them, that’s flat.
                                         [She looks sad.

Alcan.  Why that repentant look? what new design? 
Come, now a tear or two to second that,
And I am soft again, a very Ass. 
—­But yet that Look would call a Saint from th’Altar,
And make him quite forget his Ceremony,
Or take thee for his Deity: 
—­But yet thou hast a very Hell within,
Which those bewitching Eyes draw Souls into.

Fal.  Here’s he that fits you, Ladies.

Am.  Nay, now y’are too unjust, and I will leave you.

Alcan.  Ah, do not go, I know not by what Magick,
                                              [Holds her
But as you move, my Soul yields that way too.

Fal.  The truth on’t is, she has a strong magnetick Power, that I find.

Alcan.  But I would have none find it but my self, No Soul but mine shall sympathize with hers.

Fal.  Nay, that you cannot help.

Alcan.  Yes, but I can, and take it from thee, if I thought it did so.

Oli.  No quarrels here, I pray.

Fal.  Madam, I owe a Reverence to the Place.

Alcan.  I’ll scarce allow thee that; Madam, I’ll leave you to your Lover.

Am.  I hate thee but for saying so.

Alcan.  Quit him then.

Am.  So I can and thee too. [Offers to go out.

Alcan.  The Devil take me if you escape me so. [Goes after her.

Fal.  And I’ll not be out-done in importunity.

[Goes after.

SCENE III.  Galatea’s Apartments.

    Enter Galatea and Erminia.

Er.  And ’tis an act below my Quality, Which, Madam, will not suffer me to fly.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.