Fal. By Jove, if she be your Cousin, Madam, I love her much the better for’t.
Am. I am beholding to you, But then it seems I have lost a Lover of you.
Cle. Confess she has, or I’ll so handle you.
[Ex. Labree.
Fal. That’s too much, Cleontius—but
I will,
By Jove, Madam, I must not have a Mistress
Has more Wit than my self, they ever require
More than a Man’s able to give them.
Oli. Is this your way of Courtship to Isillia?
[Ex. Cle.
Fal. By Jove, Ladies, you get no
more of that from me,
’Tis that has spoiled you all; I find Alcander
Do more with a dumb show, than I with all my
Applications and Address.
Oli. Why, my Brother can speak.
Fal. Yes, if any body durst hear him;
by Jove, if you
Be not kind to him, he’ll hector you all; I’ll
The way on’t too, ’tis the most prosperous
one; I see no
Other reason you have to love Alcander
Better than I.
Am. Why should you think I do?
Fal. Devil, I see’t well enough by your continual Quarrels with him.
Am. Is that so certain a proof?
Fal. Ever while you live, you treat me too Well ever to hope.
Enter Alcander, kneels, offers his Sword to Aminta.
—What new Masquerade’s this? by Jove,
Has more tricks than a dancing Bear.
Am. What mean you by this present?
Alcan. Kill me.
Am. What have you done to merit it?
Alcan. Do not ask, but do’t.
Am. I’ll have a reason first.
Alcan. I think I’ve kill’d Pisaro.
Am. My Brother dead!
falls into the arms of Oli.
Fal. Madam, look up, ’tis I that call.
Am. I care not who thou beest, but if
a Man,
Revenge me on Alcander.
goes out with Oli.
Fal. By Jove, she has mistook her
This ’tis to be a Lover now:
A Man’s never out of one broil or other;
But I have more Wit than Aminta this bout.
[Offers to go.
Alcan. Come back and do your duty e’er you go. [Pulls him.
Fal. I owe you much, Alcander.
Alcan. Amimta said you should revenge her on me.
Fal. Her Word’s not Law I hope.
Alcan. And I’ll obey—
Fal. That may do much indeed.
answers with great signs of fear.
Alcan. This, if thou wert a Man, she bad thee do, Why dost thou shake?