The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

SCENE III. A room in the house of Orgulius.

    Enter Orgulius, Erminia weeping, and Isillia.

Er.  Sir, does your fatal resolution hold?

Org.  Away, away, you are a foolish Girl,
And look with too much pride upon your Beauty;
Which like a gaudy flower that springs too soon,
Withers e’er fully blown. 
Your very Tears already have betray’d
Its weak inconstant nature;
Alcippus, should he look upon thee now,
would swear thou wert not that fine thing he lov’d.

Er.  Why should that blessing turn to my despair?  Curse on his Faith that told him I was fair.

Org.  ’Tis strange to me you shou’d despise this Fortune, I always thought you well inclin’d to love him, I would not else have thus dispos’d of you.

Er.  I humbly thank you, Sir, though’t be too late,
And wish you yet would try to change my Fate;
What to Alcippus you did Love believe,
Was such a Friendship as might well deceive;
’Twas what kind Sisters do to Brothers pay;
Alcippus I can love no other way. 
—­Sir, lay the Interest of a Father by,
And give me leave this Lover to deny.

Org.  Erminia, thou art young, and canst not see The advantage of the Fortune offer’d thee.

Er.  Alas, Sir, there is something yet behind. [Sighs.

Org.  What is’t, Erminia? freely speak thy mind.

Er.  Ah, Sir, I dare not, you inrag’d will grow.

Org.  Erminia, you have seldom found me so;
If no mean Passion have thy Soul possest,
Be what it will I can forgive the rest.

Er.  No, Sir, it is no crime, or if it be, Let Prince Philander make the Peace for me; He ’twas that taught the Sin (if Love be such.)

Org.  Erminia, peace, he taught you then too much.

Er.  Nay, Sir, you promis’d me you wou’d not blame My early Love, if ’twere a noble Flame.

Org.  Than this a more unhappy could not be;
Destroy it, or expect to hear of me.
                           [Offers to go out.

Er.  Alas, I know ’twould anger you, when known.
                                        [She stays him.

Org.  Erminia, you are wondrous daring grown. 
Where got you courage to admit his Love,
Before the King or I did it approve?

Er.  I borrow’d Courage from my Innocence,
And my own Virtue, Sir, was my defence.
Philander never spoke but from a Soul,
That all dishonest Passions can controul;
With Flames as chaste as Vestals that did burn,
From whence I borrow’d mine, to make return.

Org.  Your Love from Folly, not from Virtue grew; You never could believe he’d marry you.

Er.  Upon my life no other thing he spoke, But those from dictates of his Honour took.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.