The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

L. Ful.  We cannot help our Inclinations, Sir,
No more than Time, or Light from coming on—­
But I can keep my Virtue, Sir, intire.

Sir Cau.  What, I’ll warrant, this is your first Love, Gayman?

L. Ful.  I’ll not deny that Truth, though even to you.

Sir Cau.  Why, in consideration of my Age, and your Youth, I’d bear a
Conscience—­provided you do things wisely.

L. Ful.  Do what thing, Sir?

Sir Cau.  You know what I mean—­

L. Ful.  Hah—­I hope you wou’d not be a Cuckold, Sir.

Sir Cau.  Why—­truly in a civil way—­or so.

L. Ful.  There is but one way, Sir, to make me hate you;
And that wou’d be tame suffering.

Sir Cau.  Nay, and she be thereabouts, there’s no discovering.

L. Ful.  But leave this fond discourse, and, if you must,
Let us to Bed.

Sir Cau.  Ay, ay, I did but try your Virtue, mun—­dost think I was in earnest?

    Enter Servant.

Serv.  Sir, here’s a Chest directed to your Worship.

Sir Cau.  Hum, ’tis Wasteall—­now does my heart fail me—­A Chest say you—­to me—­so late;—­I’ll warrant it comes from Sir Nicholas Smuggle—­some prohibited Goods that he has stoln the Custom of, and cheated his Majesty—­Well, he’s an honest Man, bring it in—­

[Exit Servant.

L. Ful.  What, into my Apartment, Sir, a nasty Chest!

Sir Cau.  By all means—­for if the Searchers come, they’ll never be so uncivil to ransack thy Lodgings; and we are bound in Christian Charity to do for one another—­Some rich Commodities, I am sure—­and some fine Knick-knack will fall to thy share, I’ll warrant thee —­Pox on him for a young Rogue, how punctual he is! [Aside.

Enter with the Chest.

—­Go, my Dear, go to Bed—­I’ll send Sir Nicholas a Receit for the Chest, and be with thee presently—­

[Ex. severally.

[Gayman peeps out of the Chest, and looks round him wondring.

Gay.  Hah, where am I?  By Heaven, my last Night’s Vision—­’Tis that inchanted Room, and yonder’s the Alcove!  Sure ’twas indeed some Witch, who knowing of my Infidelity—­has by Inchantment brought me hither—­ ’tis so—­I am betray’d—­[Pauses.  Hah! or was it Julia, that last night gave me that lone Opportunity?—­but hark, I hear some coming—­
                                                  [Shuts himself in.

Enter Sir Cautious.

Sir Cau. [Lifting up the Chest-lid.] So, you are come, I see—­
                                          [Goes, and locks the door.

Gay.  Hah—­he here! nay then, I was deceiv’d, and it was Julia that last night gave me the dear Assignation. [Aside.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.