The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Bel.  She has a Spirit equal to her Beauty,
As mighty and tyrannick; yet she has Goodness,
And I believe enough inclin’d to Love,
When once her Pride’s o’ercome.  I have the Honour
To be the Confident of all her Thoughts: 
And to augment thy Hopes, ’tis not long since
She did with Sighs confess to me, she lov’d
A Man, she said, scarce equal to her Fortune: 
But all my Interest could not learn the Object;
But it must needs be you, by what she said. 
This I’ll improve, and so to your Advantage—­

Friend.  I neither doubt thy Industry, nor Love;
Go, and be careful of my Interest there,
Whilst I preserve thine as intirely here.

[Ex. severally.

SCENE III. Sir Timothy’s House.

Enter Sir Timothy, Sham, Sharp, and Boy.

Sharp.  Good morrow, Sir Timothy; what, not yet ready, and to meet Mr. Bellmour at Five? the time’s past.

Sir Tim.—­Ay, Pox on’t—­I han’t slept to Night for thinking on’t.

Sham.  Well, Sir Timothy, I have most excellent News for you, that will do as well; I have found out—­

Sir Tim.  A new Wench, I warrant—­But prithee, Sham, I have other matters in hand; ’Sheart, I am so mortify’d with this same thought of Fighting, that I shall hardly think of Womankind again.

Sharp.  And you were so forward, Sir Timothy—­

Sir Tim.  Ay, Sharp, I am always so when I am angry; had I been but A little more provok’d then, that we might have gone to’t when the heat was brisk, I had done well—­but a Pox on’t, this fighting in cool Blood I hate.

Sham.  ’Shaw, Sir, ’tis nothing, a Man wou’d do’t for Exercise in a Morning.

Sir Tim.  Ay, if there were no more in’t than Exercise; if a Man cou’d take a Breathing without breathing a Vein—­but, Sham, this Wounds, and Blood, sounds terribly in my Ears; but since thou say’st ’tis nothing, prithee do thou meet Bellmour in my stead; thou art a poor Dog, and ’tis no matter if the World were well rid of thee.

Sham.  I wou’d do’t with all my Soul—­but your Honour, Sir—­

Sir Tim.—­My Honour! ’tis but Custom that makes it honourable to fight Duels—­I warrant you the wise Italian thinks himself a Man of Honour; and yet when did you hear of an Italian, that ever fought a Duel?  Is’t not enough, that I am affronted, have my Mistress taken away before my Face, hear my self call’d, dull, common Man, dull Animal, and the rest?—­But I must after all give him leave to kill me too, if he can—­And this is your damn’d Honourable English way of shewing a Man’s Courage.

Sham.  I must confess I am of your mind, and therefore have been studying a Revenge, sutable to the Affront:  and if I can judge any thing, I have hit it.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.