The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III.

Land.  Husband—­marry come up, Husbands know Wives secrets?  No, sure, the World’s not so bad yet—­where do your things lie? and for what?

Gay.  Five Pounds equips me—­Rag can conduct you—­but I say you shall not go, I’ve sworn.

Land.  Meddle with your matters—­let me see, the Caudle Cup that Molly’s Grandmother left her, will pawn for about that sum—­I’ll sneak it out—­well, Sir, you shall have your things presently—­trouble not your head, but expect me.

[Ex.  Landlady and Rag.

Gay.  Was ever man put to such beastly shifts?  ’Sdeath, how she stunk—­ my senses are most luxuriously regal’d—­there’s my perpetual Musick too—­

[Knocking of Hammers on a Anvil.

The ringing of Bells is an Ass to’t.

Enter Rag.

Rag.  Sir, there’s one in a Coach below wou’d speak to you.

Gay.  With me, and in a Coach! who can it be?

Rag.  The Devil, I think, for he has a strange Countenance.

Gay.  The Devil! shew your self a Rascal of Parts, Sirrah, and wait on him up with Ceremony.

Rag.  Who, the Devil, Sir?

Gay.  Ay, the Devil, Sir, if you mean to thrive.
                                            [Exit Rag. 
Who can this be—­but see he comes to inform me—­withdraw.

Enter Bredwel drest like a Devil.

Bred.  I come to bring you this—­
                    [Gives him a Letter.

Gayman reads.

Receive what Love and Fortune present you with, be grateful
and be silent, or ’twill vanish like a dream, and leave you
more wretched that it found You


                                [Gives him a bag of Money.

Bred.  Nay, view it, Sir, ’tis all substantial Gold.

Gay.  Now dare not I ask one civil question for fear it vanish all—­
But I may ask, how ’tis I ought to pay for this great Bounty.

Bred.  Sir, all the Pay is Secrecy—­

Gay.  And is this all that is required, Sir?

Bred.  No, you’re invited to the Shades below.

Gay.  Hum, Shades below!—­I am not prepared for such a Journey, Sir.

Bred.  If you have Courage, Youth or Love, you’ll follow me: 
When Night’s black Curtain’s drawn around the World,
And mortal Eyes are safely lockt in sleep, [In feign’d Heroick Tone
And no bold Spy dares view when Gods caress,
Then I’ll conduct thee to the Banks of Bliss. 
—­Durst thou not trust me?

Gay.  Yes, sure, on such substantial security. [Hugs the Bag.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume III from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.