A Beautiful Possibility eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about A Beautiful Possibility.

A Beautiful Possibility eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about A Beautiful Possibility.

And John Randolph answered with his strong, sweet faith.  “God understands, we do not need to.”

They were standing in an alcove partially screened by a tall palm from the crowd which surged up and down through the rooms.  He took from his pocket a morocco case, and, opening it, held it towards her.  What made the color flush her cheeks while her eyes fell beneath his gaze?  She only saw a little square of lawn and lace, but the name traced across one corner was ‘Evadne’!

“Did you leave nothing behind you at Hollywood that day?” he asked gently.

“My handkerchief!” she cried.  “I missed it before we reached Marlborough.  I must have left it at the gate.”  But Evadne had left more behind her than she knew.

“I will keep it still,” he said, “with your permission.  Will you give it to me?”

“Oh, Doctor Randolph!” Isabelle’s voice fell shrill upon Evadne’s silence, “they are calling for you in the other room to decide a knotty question—­something about microbes.  I told them I was sure you would know.  Will you come?”

John Randolph put the case quickly in his pocket and smiled as he turned away.  He thought he had read consent in her lovely eyes.

After the reception was over Evadne knelt by her window until the stars faded one by one from the sky.  Then she turned away with a happy sigh.  When he came to get his answer, she would know.

* * * * *

“Give that to me!” Isabella spoke imperiously to the servant, who was passing through the hall with a note in her hand.  From where she stood she had recognized the clear handwriting of the prescriptions which the new doctor wrote.  Her demon of curiosity overcame her.  The tempter was very near.

The girl held the note towards her.  “It is for Miss Evadne,” she said.  “Miss E. Hildreth, you see.”

Isabelle gave a careless laugh.  “Did you not know I had an E in my name also?  Evelyn Isabelle.  I know the writing.  The note is meant for me.”

So the truth and the lie mingled!  When John Randolph called that evening he was ushered into the presence of Isabelle.

“I am so sorry about Evadne!” she exclaimed, before he had time to speak.  “She had an engagement with my brother.  He monopolizes her whenever he is at home.”  She laughed affectedly.  “Oh, I cannot tell you when it is coming off, but she has worn his ring for years.  They will not give us any satisfaction—­deep as the sea, you know.  It seems so strange to me, but then I am so transparent.  She is a clever girl, but very peculiar.  Does not seem to have much natural feeling, you know, but I suppose I am not fitted to judge, I am so emotional!”

John Randolph bit his lip hard.  It startled him to find how sharp a pain could be.

* * * * *

Project Gutenberg
A Beautiful Possibility from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.