Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 26, September 24, 1870 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 26, September 24, 1870.

Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 26, September 24, 1870 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 26, September 24, 1870.

  National Taxidermy
  Napoleon’s Latest Manifesto
  Natural Mistake, A
  New Conglomerate Pavement
  New England to New York
  New Railway Project, A
  New “Process”, The
  Ninety-nine in the Shade
  Nothing like Leather
  Notary’s Protest, A
  Nought for Nought
  Now We Shall Have It
  Notes from Chicago
  Now’s your Chance
  Note from the Orchestra


  Ode to the Missing Collector
  Old Bailey Practitioner, An
  Old Boy to the Young Ones, An
  Old Saws Re-set
  Old Iron
  Olive Logan
  Opinions of the Press
  Orange Peel, Etcetera
  Origin of the Mississippi
  Orpheus C. Kerr, Sketch of
  Organizing an Organ
  Origin of Punchinello
  O, that air! 
  Our Future
  Out of the Streets
  Our Literary Legate
  Our Cuban Telegrams
  Our Explosives


  Patriotic Adoration
  Pat to the Question
  Parable About the 12th of July
  Pardonable Solicitude
  Perennius AEre
  Periodical Literature
  Plays and Shows
  Please the Pigs
  Plea for Protection
  Pluckily Patriotic, Still
  Poems of the Cradle
  Popularity, Our
  Political Claptrap
  Police Report, Our
  Possible “Why” of it, The
  Portfolio, Our
  Pump, The
  Punchinello’s New Charter
  Punchinello in Wall Street
  Punchinello’s Lyrics
  Punchinello and the Aldermen
  Punchinello on the Jury
  Punchinello Is Sorry
  Punchinello’s Vacations
  Punchinello as a “Savan”




  Raising Cain
  Rather Mixed
  Rather Flashy Idea, A
  Real Estate of Woman, The
  Religious Amusements
  Remonstrance, A
  Religion of Temperance
  Receipe to be Tested
  Reform in Juvenile Literature
  Rejuvenated France
  Right and Left
  Robins, The
  Romaunt of the Oyster
  Rose by any other Name, A
  Roar from Niagara, A
  Romance of a Rich Young Man


  Sailing Directions, &c
  Science Forever
  Seasonable Parody, A
  Several Unsavory Renderings
  Ship Ahoy! 
  Sic Semper Epluribus, &c
  Sorosian Impromptu, A
  Song of the Returned Soldier
  Song of the New Babel
  Song of the Red Cloud
  Song of the Chicago Lawyer
  Song of the Mosquito
  Society, &c
  Spencerian Chaff
  Spiritual Susceptibility of Cats
  Spring Fever
  Spirit of the Navy
  Standard Literature
  Stridor Pentium
  Summer on the Catskills
  Summer at Sandy Point


  Taking a Senator’s Measure
  Take Care of the Wounded
  Temperance Song
  That Indian Talk
  Thiers, Idle Thiers
  Thirteenth Man in the Omnibus
  “Tobacco Parliament” of Ohio, The
  To Our Readers
  Traveller’s Tales
  Treatment for Potato Bugs
  Truly Noble
  Tutti Tremando
  Turkish Bath, My

Project Gutenberg
Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 26, September 24, 1870 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.