Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 24, September 10, 1870 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 24, September 10, 1870.

Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 24, September 10, 1870 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 24, September 10, 1870.

And what are the New York Rendering Company, and to whom do they render, and what?  Lard bless you! sir, or madam, they comprise a thing that lives, if not by the sweat of its brow, at least by the suet of its boilers.  The dead horses of the city car companies are the creature’s normal food.  Nor does it despise smaller venison, for it can batten upon dead kittens, too, and fatten upon asphyxiated pup.  Carnivorous, decidedly, is the creature concreted by the New York Rendering Company, converting all that it touches into fat, and so, living literally upon the fat of the land.  That the Company render other things besides fat, however, has been for some time past a subject of complaint against their management, and here are a few details of their renderings.

Once the atmosphere of the bays and rivers of New York was a source of health to the excursionists who, in summer time, seek relaxation by inexpensive voyages upon the waters adjacent to the city.  By casting the refuse of their carrion into these waters, the New York Rendering Company have rendered foul and noxious the once healthful atmosphere of our aquarian outlets, rendering themselves a nuisance, at the same time.

Thus, anything like a “pleasure” excursion by water, in the neighborhood of New York, has been rendered impossible during the present season, by the New York Rendering Company.

Off all the shores of our bays Offal has accumulated, and that during the hottest summer on record for these latitudes.  The waters have thus been rendered unfit for bathing in, as the air has been rendered pernicious to breathe—­another rendering by the New York Rendering Company, whose manifest mission is to offalize the world.

It is pleasant to know, then, that the renderings of the New York Rendering Company are likely to be reactionary as well as suicidal, (perhaps suetcidal might be a better word here,) in their results.  Their “offence is rank,” and has reached the nose of authority, for we find it stated that “Mayor HALL has already made complaint against the New York Rendering Company, and that they will he indicted at the next sitting of the Grand Jury.”

And when their boiling nuisances come to be seized, as we trust they will be, how jolly to see them “rendering to Seizer” all that has rendered them the nuisance they are!  Then let them render up the ghost, and go out spluttering, like a dip candle from one of their own rancid renderings—­and so an end of them.

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PUNCHINELLO is extremely indebted to The Sun for the association of the names of several worthy gentlemen with the ownership of the only first-class Illustrated Humorous and Satirical paper published in America:  (Subscription price, for one year, $4.00.  Single copies 10 cents.  Office, 83 Nassau St., New York.)

Well, it is something to be credited with having decent men about you; perhaps if The Sun would try the experiment it would be found more purifying than even the sermons of O. DYER.

Project Gutenberg
Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 24, September 10, 1870 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.