Gaslight Sonatas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 280 pages of information about Gaslight Sonatas.

Gaslight Sonatas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 280 pages of information about Gaslight Sonatas.

“I got to hand it you, Loo; when you walk down this street, you make every girl in town look warmed over.”

“Do you like it, Charley?  It’s that checked jacket I bought at Hamlin’s sale last year made over.”

“Say, it’s classy!  You look like all the money in the world, honey.”

“Huh, two yards of coat-lining, forty-four cents, and Ida Bell’s last year’s office-hat reblocked, sixty-five.”

“You’re the show-piece of the town, all right.  Come on; let’s pick up a crowd and muss-up Claxton Road a little.”

“I meant what I said, Charley.  After the cuttings-up of last night and the night before I’m quits.  Maybe Charley Cox can afford to get himself talked about because he’s Charley Cox, but a girl like me with a job to hold down, and the way ma and Ida Bell were sitting up in their nightgowns, green around the gills, when I got home last night—­nix!  I’m getting myself talked about, if you want to know it, running with—­your gang, Charley.”

“I’d like to see anybody let out so much as a grunt about you in front of me.  A fellow can’t do any more, honey, to show a girl where she stands with him than ask her to marry him—­now can he?  If I’d have had my way last night, I’d—­”

“You was drunk when you asked me, Charley.”

“You mean you got cold feet?”

“Thank God, I did!”

“I don’t blame you, girl.  You might do worse—­but not much.”

“That’s what you’d need for your finishing-touch, a girl like me dragging you down.”

“You mean pulling me up.”

“Yes, maybe, if you didn’t have a cent.”

“I’d have enough sense then to know better than to ask you, honey.  You ’ain’t got that fourteen-carat look in your eye for nothing.  You’re the kind that’s going to bring in a big fish, and I wish it to you.”

“Lots you know.”

“Come on; let me ride you around the block, then.”

“If—­if you like my company so much, can’t you just take a walk with me or come out and sit on our steps awhile?”

“Lord, girl, Flamm Avenue is hot enough to fry my soul to-night!”

“We can’t all have fathers that live in thirty-room houses out in Kingsmoreland Place.”

“Thank God for that!  I sneaked home this morning to change my clothes, and thought maybe I’d got into somebody’s mausoleum by mistake.”

“Was—­was your papa around, Charley?”

“In the library, shut up with old man Brookes.”

“Did he—­did he see the morning papers?  You know what he said last time, Charley, when the motor-cycle cop chased you down an embankment.”

“Honey, if my old man was to carry out every threat he utters, I’d be disinherited, murdered, hong-konged, shanghaied, and cremated every day in the year.”

“I got to go now, Charley.”

“Not let a fellow even spin you home?”

“You know I want to, Charley, but—­but it don’t do you any good, boy, being seen with me in that joy-wagon of yours.  It—­it don’t do you any good, Charley, ever—­ever being seen with me.”

Project Gutenberg
Gaslight Sonatas from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.