White Queen of the Cannibals: the Story of Mary Slessor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 145 pages of information about White Queen of the Cannibals.

White Queen of the Cannibals: the Story of Mary Slessor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 145 pages of information about White Queen of the Cannibals.

“And don’t forget the man-eating crocodiles that are swimming in the river or lying on the banks.  They look like an old log, but if you get near them, look out!  They seem lazy and slow, but they can snap off a leg or drag you into the river as quick as a wink.  Then in the jungles are the lions, and elephants, and other wild animals.”

“I am most frightened of the swift and terrible tornadoes,” said Mrs. Thomson.

“And, Miss Slessor,” said Mr. Thomson, “don’t forget that the natives are wild and fierce and many of them are cannibals who would be glad to eat you.”

“I shall not fear,” said Mary.  “God is leading me.  He is my good Shepherd.  He can protect me from fierce beasts and the wild people.  I am happy He has chosen me to bring the messages of the Saviour to these wild people.  He will call me home to Him when the work He has for me is done.  Till then nothing can really harm me.”

Four weeks passed.  The ship was plowing through the tropical sea.  The air was warm, but the sea breezes made it very pleasant.  The ship turned landward and soon Mary could see the shore of Africa.  How thrilled and happy she was—­Africa at last!  On September 11 the ship entered the tumbling, whirling waters of the Cross and Calabar Rivers which here joined and poured into the sea.  Mary had read about these rivers, and now she actually saw them.  She saw, too, the pelicans and the cranes.  She saw crocodiles, about which Mr. Thomson had told her, lazily slide off the sandbanks into the muddy waters of the river.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomson stood with Mary at the rail of the ship as it sailed up the river.  They would point out to her interesting sights as they passed along.

“Look,” said Mrs. Thomson, “there is Duke Town.  That is where your mission is.”

Mary saw clay cliffs.  She saw mud houses with roofs of palm leaves.  Duke Town did not look in the least like Dundee or the other cities in Scotland which Mary knew.  Duke Town did not look pretty, but Mary did not care.  To her it looked beautiful, because here she would have the chance to serve the Lord.

Soon native canoes came out to the steamer.  Then the boats of the traders.  All was hurry and bustle as the great ship anchored and prepared to unload the part of its cargo that had been sent to Duke Town.  Mary looked about, wondering how she was going to go ashore.

A tall Negro came up to Mary.  He bowed and said, “Are you the new white ma that is coming to the mission?” By ma the native meant lady.  They called all white ladies “ma.”

“Yes, I am,” said Mary.

“Mr. Anderson sent me to bring you ashore and take you to the mission house.”

Mary was lowered from the great ship into a large canoe.  Her baggage was brought down and placed in the boat.  Then with powerful strokes the rowers sent the boat skimming across the water toward Duke Town.  Mary was helped ashore by the tall Negro who had come for her.

Project Gutenberg
White Queen of the Cannibals: the Story of Mary Slessor from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.