White Queen of the Cannibals: the Story of Mary Slessor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 145 pages of information about White Queen of the Cannibals.

White Queen of the Cannibals: the Story of Mary Slessor eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 145 pages of information about White Queen of the Cannibals.

At last her church opened a mission in the worst part of the slums.  Mary went to the superintendent.

“I want to teach a class in our mission,” said Mary.  “I am sure you can use me better there than you can here.”

“But Mary,” said the superintendent, “you are doing a fine job here in the church; why do you want to go to the mission?”

“There are many who will gladly teach a class here at the church, but not so many who are willing to teach at the mission.  I am willing.  I will teach there if you will give me a class.  Please do.”

“But Mary, those children are tough and mean.  You couldn’t handle them.  You could not make them behave.  You are hardly more than a child yourself.”

“Oh, please let me try,” said Mary, “I do so want to tell those boys and girls about my Saviour.  Please let me try.  Then if I don’t make good, you can get someone else in my place.”

“Very well,” said the superintendent, “I will give you a class, but I warn you those children are tough and mean and hard to handle.”


A Brave Girl

“Quit pestering us to come to church.  If you don’t let us alone, we’ll hurt you,” shouted Duncan, the leader of a group of tough boys in the slums.

Mary prayed God to make her brave and then said, “I will not stop trying to get you to come to church.  I will not stop trying to tell you about Jesus, the Saviour.  Do whatever you like.”

These boys had often tried to interrupt and break up the services, but Mary went out into the streets and tried to persuade and coax the young people to come and hear the Word of God.

“All right then,” said Duncan.  “Here goes.”  He took a piece of lead from his pocket and tied it to a long string.  He began to swing it around his head.  Each time he whirled the lead, it came closer to Mary’s face.  Mary did not move.  The gang watched.  They held their breath as it came closer and closer to her blue eyes.  Mary did not blink.  Finally, it grazed her forehead.  Still Mary did not move.  Duncan dropped the piece of lead to the ground.

“We can’t scare her, boys,” he said.  “She’s game.”

“There is Someone who is far braver than I am.  He’s the One who makes me brave.  Won’t you come to the services and hear about Him?” asked Mary.

“All right, Spunky, I will,” said Duncan.  “And the rest of the fellows will, too.  Come on, boys, we’re going to the church tonight and no funny business.”

This was not the only time that Mary had to face the tough boys and girls of the slums.  But she had a Friend who was closer to her than even her dear mother.  He made her strong and brave and true.  Mary loved her Saviour, and was ready to do whatever He might want her to do.

Her class grew larger all the time.  She visited the members in their slum homes.  She fitted herself into the family.  If the baby needed tending, she tended to it.  If someone was sick, she helped to nurse the sick person.  Always she told the family about Christ and His power to save.  The people of the slums came to love this home missionary and many of them were won to Christ through her work.

Project Gutenberg
White Queen of the Cannibals: the Story of Mary Slessor from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.