--------+ | | | “The Printing House of the United States.” | | | | GEO. F. NESBITT & CO., | | | | General JOB PRINTERS, | | | | | | BLANK DOOR Manufactuars, | | STATIONERS Wholesale and Retail, | | LITHOGRAPHIC Engravers and Printers, | | CARD Manufactuars, | | ENVELOPE Manufactuars, | | FINE CUT and COLOR Printers. | | | | | | 163, 165, 167, and 169 PEARL ST., | | 73, 75, 77 and 79 PINE ST., New-York. | | | | ADVANTAGES: All on the same premises, and under immediate | | supervision of the proprietors. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------
---+ | | | Bowling Green Savings-Bank, | | 33 BROADWAY, | | | | NEW-YORK. | | | | Open Every Day from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. | | | | Deposits of any sum, from Ten Cents to Ten | | Thousand Dollars, will be received. | | | | Six Per Cent Interest, | | Free of Government Tax. | | | | INTEREST ON NEW DEPOSITS | | | | Commences on the first of every month. | | | | HENRY SMITH, President. | | | | REEVES E. SELMES, Secretary. | | |