365 Foreign Dishes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 81 pages of information about 365 Foreign Dishes.

365 Foreign Dishes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 81 pages of information about 365 Foreign Dishes.

22.—­English Boiled Pudding.

Mix 1/2 pound of butter with 1/2 pound of powdered sugar to a cream.  Add the yolks of 6 eggs beaten, 1/2 cup of seeded raisins and some chopped citron, a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon.  Mix in 1/2 pound of sifted flour and 1/2 teaspoonful of baking-powder.  Add the whites, beaten to a stiff froth; put in a buttered pudding-mold, and let boil until done.  Serve with brandy sauce.

23.—­German Stewed Brains.

Clean the brains.  Heat 1 tablespoonful of drippings in a pan; add the brains, 1 sliced onion, some parsley, salt and pepper.  Let stew fifteen minutes.  Thicken the sauce with butter and flour; let boil up.  Serve hot with spinach and sprinkle all with chopped hard-boiled eggs.

24.—­Scotch Cream Muffins.

Sift 1 pint of flour with 1 teaspoonful of baking-powder; beat three yolks of eggs with a pinch of salt; add 1 pint of cream and 1 tablespoonful of melted butter.  Stir in the flour; add the whites beaten to a stiff froth.  Beat all well together.  Fill the muffin-rings 1/2 full and bake in a quick oven for twenty minutes.

25.—­French Tart.

Make a rich pie-dough.  Line a large pie-dish with the paste and bake.  Take 3 ounces of almonds and pound to a paste; add 3 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, 1/2 teaspoonful of cinnamon and the yolks of 2 eggs well beaten with 1 tablespoonful of rum.  Add the beaten whites; fill the pie and bake in a moderate oven.  Then make a glace.  Mix 1 ounce of granulated sugar with 1 tablespoonful of cold water and let come to a boil.  Put on the pie when cool and serve.

26.—­Polish Stewed Beans.

Break string-beans into pieces and let boil in salted water until tender; then heat 1 tablespoonful of butter; stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour until brown.  Add the water in which the beans were cooked, 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1 tablespoonful of brown sugar, some cinnamon and cloves to taste.  Let sauce boil.  Add the beans and simmer ten minutes.  Serve hot with a beef pot roast.

27.—­Vienna Milk Rolls.

Sift 1-1/2 quarts of flour; add 1/2 teaspoonful of salt; work in a large tablespoonful of butter; then stir in 1/2 cup of milk with a piece of yeast dissolved in the milk and a teaspoonful of sugar.  Beat all up well with 1 pint of milk; let raise over night.  Roll out an inch thick; cut with a biscuit-cutter; rub with melted butter; lay in a buttered baking-pan; let raise one hour; then bake in a hot oven twenty minutes.

28.—­Scotch Potato Stew.

Cut the potatoes into small dice pieces and fry in hot lard.  Then fry 1 onion cut fine in hot butter, but do not brown; stir in some flour; then add milk, salt, pepper and parsley.  Let boil up once and add the potatoes to the sauce.  Let all get very hot and serve.

29.—­Jewish Dumplings.

Soak 6 crackers in water; then press dry.  Fry 1 chopped onion in butter and pour over the crackers.  Add 3 eggs and chopped parsley; sprinkle with salt, pepper and nutmeg.  Mix all with some cracker-meal until you can form into balls and boil in salted water until done.  Serve hot with melted butter poured over them, and garnish with parsley.

Project Gutenberg
365 Foreign Dishes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.