Wild Northern Scenes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Wild Northern Scenes.

Wild Northern Scenes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about Wild Northern Scenes.

And now, Reader, a word to you, and I have done.  When the sun comes up over the city, day after day, pouring his burning rays along the glimmering streets, shining on and on in a changeless glare, till he hides himself in the darkness again; when your strength wilts under the enervating influences of the summer heats, and you pant for the forest breezes and the “cooling streams,” remember that the same wild region I have been describing, the same pleasant rivers, beautiful lakes, tall mountains, and primeval forests are there still, all inviting you to test their recuperative agencies.  The same singing birds, the fishes and the game are there waiting your pleasure.  Visit them when the summer heat makes the cities a desolation.  Give a month to the enjoyment of a wilderness-life, and you will return to your labors invigorated in strength, buoyant in spirit—­a wiser, healthier, and a better man.


Project Gutenberg
Wild Northern Scenes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.