My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 226 pages of information about My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879.

My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 226 pages of information about My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879.
  named ambassador to Rome
  antagonistic attitude of, toward the Republic
  anomalous and mistaken behaviour of
  superficiality of majority of
Dufaure, M.
  appointed President du Conseil
  now cabinet formed by
Dufferin, Lord

Election of 1877
Elysee, ceremonies attending naming of Cardinals at
English, Monsignor
English visitors to Paris in 1879
Eugenie, Empress
  at Compiegne
  description of, and reminiscences concerning
Exposition Universelle of 1878
  closing of
  good moral effect of

Fan, an autographed, as souvenir of Berlin Congress
  usual indifference of French, to form of government
  enthusiasm of, over the Republic
Ferry, Jules
Fitz-Maurice, Lord Edmond
France, astonishing rapidity of recovery of, after Franco-Prussian War
Frederick-Charles, Prince
French people
  self-centred attitude of
  conventions in dress of girls
  interest of women in their children
  lack of regard for, on part of Northern races
  defence of fine qualities of
  difficulties of interpreting conversation,
  cramped lives of middle-class women
  religious question among
Freycinet, M. de
  appointed Minister of Public Works
  ability displayed by, as a Republican statesman
  excellent qualities of
  succeeds M. Waddington as premier
  official changes made by
Freycinet, Madame de
  author’s visit to, at Quai d’Orsay

Gambetta, Leon,
  manners and appearance of
  force of oratory of, in campaign of 1877
  appreciation by, of value of Tunisian protectorate
  comparison of Grevy and
General amnesty, discussion of the. 
Germans, want of tact characteristic;
  position of women among;
  advance in comfort and elegance among. 
Germany, feeling in, over radicalism
  in France. 
Gerome, J. L., as a table companion. 
Gladstones, visits from the. 
Glynn, Admiral, school friend of M.
Gortschakoff, Prince, quoted on death of Thiers;
  at Berlin Congress;
  a diplomatist of the old-fashioned type. 
Grand Opera in Paris. 
Grange, Chateau de la, home of Lafayette. 
Grant, President and Mrs., in Paris. 
Greek national dress. 
Grevy, election of, to presidency;
  good figure cut by, in society;
  hats bestowed upon two Cardinals by;
  disappointment of, in the Republic;
  rivalry between Gambetta and;
  Queen Victoria’s meeting with;
  feelings of regard for one another held by M. Waddington. 
Grevy, Madame;
  unknown to society upon husband’s election to presidency;
  first reception held by;
  question of necessity of presence of, at the Elysee;
  receptions held by;
  author’s last visit to. 
Grevy, Mademoiselle, at Prince Hohenlohe’s reception.

Project Gutenberg
My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.