The House on the Borderland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The House on the Borderland.

The House on the Borderland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The House on the Borderland.

Ages slipped by, and I saw the shadowy faces, with increased frequency, also with greater plainness.  Whether this was due to my soul having become more attuned to its surroundings, I cannot tell—­probably it was so.  But, however this may be, I am assured now, only of the fact that I became steadily more conscious of a new mystery about me, telling me that I had, indeed, penetrated within the borderland of some unthought-of region—­some subtle, intangible place, or form, of existence.

The enormous stream of luminous spheres continued to pass me, at an unvarying rate—­countless millions; and still they came, showing no signs of ending, nor even diminishing.

Then, as I was borne, silently, upon the unbuoying ether, I felt a sudden, irresistible, forward movement, toward one of the passing globes.  An instant, and I was beside it.  Then, I slid through, into the interior, without experiencing the least resistance, of any description.  For a short while, I could see nothing; and waited, curiously.

All at once, I became aware that a sound broke the inconceivable stillness.  It was like the murmur of a great sea at calm—­a sea breathing in its sleep.  Gradually, the mist that obscured my sight, began to thin away; and so, in time, my vision dwelt once again upon the silent surface of the Sea of Sleep.

For a little, I gazed, and could scarcely believe I saw aright.  I glanced ’round.  There was the great globe of pale fire, swimming, as I had seen it before, a short distance above the dim horizon.  To my left, far across the sea, I discovered, presently, a faint line, as of thin haze, which I guessed to be the shore, where my Love and I had met, during those wonderful periods of soul-wandering, that had been granted to me in the old earth days.

Another, a troubled, memory came to me—­of the Formless Thing that had haunted the shores of the Sea of Sleep.  The guardian of that silent, echoless place.  These, and other, details, I remembered, and knew, without doubt that I was looking out upon that same sea.  With the assurance, I was filled with an overwhelming feeling of surprise, and joy, and shaken expectancy, conceiving it possible that I was about to see my Love, again.  Intently, I gazed around; but could catch no sight of her.  At that, for a little, I felt hopeless.  Fervently, I prayed, and ever peered, anxiously....  How still was the sea!

Down, far beneath me, I could see the many trails of changeful fire, that had drawn my attention, formerly.  Vaguely, I wondered what caused them; also, I remembered that I had intended to ask my dear One about them, as well as many other matters—­and I had been forced to leave her, before the half that I had wished to say, was said.

My thoughts came back with a leap.  I was conscious that something had touched me.  I turned quickly.  God, Thou wert indeed gracious—­it was She!  She looked up into my eyes, with an eager longing, and I looked down to her, with all my soul.  I should like to have held her; but the glorious purity of her face, kept me afar.  Then, out of the winding mist, she put her dear arms.  Her whisper came to me, soft as the rustle of a passing cloud.  ‘Dearest!’ she said.  That was all; but I had heard, and, in a moment I held her to me—­as I prayed—­forever.

Project Gutenberg
The House on the Borderland from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.