The House on the Borderland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The House on the Borderland.

The House on the Borderland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The House on the Borderland.

I glanced away, ’round the room, and now, for the first time, noticed how dusty and old the place looked.  Dust and dirt everywhere; piled in little heaps in the corners, and spread about upon the furniture.  The very carpet, itself, was invisible beneath a coating of the same, all pervading, material.  As I walked, little clouds of the stuff rose up from under my footsteps, and assailed my nostrils, with a dry, bitter odor that made me wheeze, huskily.

Suddenly, as my glance fell again upon Pepper’s remains, I stood still, and gave voice to my confusion—­questioning, aloud, whether the years were, indeed, passing; whether this, which I had taken to be a form of vision, was, in truth, a reality.  I paused.  A new thought had struck me.  Quickly, but with steps which, for the first time, I noticed, tottered, I went across the room to the great pier-glass, and looked in.  It was too covered with grime, to give back any reflection, and, with trembling hands, I began to rub off the dirt.  Presently, I could see myself.  The thought that had come to me, was confirmed.  Instead of the great, hale man, who scarcely looked fifty, I was looking at a bent, decrepit man, whose shoulders stooped, and whose face was wrinkled with the years of a century.  The hair—­which a few short hours ago had been nearly coal black—­was now silvery white.  Only the eyes were bright.  Gradually, I traced, in that ancient man, a faint resemblance to my self of other days.

I turned away, and tottered to the window.  I knew, now, that I was old, and the knowledge seemed to confirm my trembling walk.  For a little space, I stared moodily out into the blurred vista of changeful landscape.  Even in that short time, a year passed, and, with a petulant gesture, I left the window.  As I did so, I noticed that my hand shook with the palsy of old age; and a short sob choked its way through my lips.

For a little while, I paced, tremulously, between the window and the table; my gaze wandering hither and thither, uneasily.  How dilapidated the room was.  Everywhere lay the thick dust—­thick, sleepy, and black.  The fender was a shape of rust.  The chains that held the brass clock-weights, had rusted through long ago, and now the weights lay on the floor beneath; themselves two cones of verdigris.

As I glanced about, it seemed to me that I could see the very furniture of the room rotting and decaying before my eyes.  Nor was this fancy, on my part; for, all at once, the bookshelf, along the sidewall, collapsed, with a cracking and rending of rotten wood, precipitating its contents upon the floor, and filling the room with a smother of dusty atoms.

How tired I felt.  As I walked, it seemed that I could hear my dry joints, creak and crack at every step.  I wondered about my sister.  Was she dead, as well as Pepper?  All had happened so quickly and suddenly.  This must be, indeed, the beginning of the end of all things!  It occurred to me, to go to look for her; but I felt too weary.  And then, she had been so queer about these happenings, of late.  Of late!  I repeated the words, and laughed, feebly—­mirthlessly, as the realization was borne in upon me that I spoke of a time, half a century gone.  Half a century!  It might have been twice as long!

Project Gutenberg
The House on the Borderland from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.