The House on the Borderland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The House on the Borderland.

The House on the Borderland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The House on the Borderland.

The noise ceased, though the dust still rose, tumultuously.

I reached the edge, and looked down; but could see nothing save a boil of dust clouds swirling hither and thither.  The air was so full of the small particles, that they blinded and choked me; and, finally, I had to run out from the smother, to breathe.

Gradually, the suspended matter sank, and hung in a panoply over the mouth of the Pit.

I could only guess at what had happened.

That there had been a land-slip of some kind, I had little doubt; but the cause was beyond my knowledge; and yet, even then, I had half imaginings; for, already, the thought had come to me, of those falling rocks, and that Thing in the bottom of the Pit; but, in the first minutes of confusion, I failed to reach the natural conclusion, to which the catastrophe pointed.

Slowly, the dust subsided, until, presently, I was able to approach the edge, and look down.

For a while, I peered impotently, trying to see through the reek.  At first, it was impossible to make out anything.  Then, as I stared, I saw something below, to my left, that moved.  I looked intently toward it, and, presently, made out another, and then another—­three dim shapes that appeared to be climbing up the side of the Pit.  I could see them only indistinctly.  Even as I stared and wondered, I heard a rattle of stones, somewhere to my right.  I glanced across; but could see nothing.  I leant forward, and peered over, and down into the Pit, just beneath where I stood; and saw no further than a hideous, white swine-face, that had risen to within a couple of yards of my feet.  Below it, I could make out several others.  As the Thing saw me, it gave a sudden, uncouth squeal, which was answered from all parts of the Pit.  At that, a gust of horror and fear took me, and, bending down, I discharged my gun right into its face.  Straightway, the creature disappeared, with a clatter of loose earth and stones.

There was a momentary silence, to which, probably, I owe my life; for, during it, I heard a quick patter of many feet, and, turning sharply, saw a troop of the creatures coming toward me, at a run.  Instantly, I raised my gun and fired at the foremost, who plunged head-long, with a hideous howling.  Then, I turned to run.  More than halfway from the house to the Pit, I saw my sister—­she was coming toward me.  I could not see her face, distinctly, as the dusk had fallen; but there was fear in her voice as she called to know why I was shooting.

‘Run!’ I shouted in reply.  ‘Run for your life!’

Without more ado, she turned and fled—­picking up her skirts with both hands.  As I followed, I gave a glance behind.  The brutes were running on their hind legs—­at times dropping on all fours.

I think it must have been the terror in my voice, that spurred Mary to run so; for I feel convinced that she had not, as yet, seen those hell creatures that pursued.

Project Gutenberg
The House on the Borderland from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.