Kin Platt | Criticism

This literature criticism consists of approximately 1 page of analysis & critique of Kin Platt.

Kin Platt | Criticism

This literature criticism consists of approximately 1 page of analysis & critique of Kin Platt.
This section contains 173 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
Buy the Critical Essay by Drew Stevenson

[The Ghost of Hellsfire Street] is a rip-roaring mystery. Steve Forrester and his pet bulldog Sinbad are faced with four mysteries: a scientist who may not have been kidnapped as thought, a weird psychic who may be trying to defraud an old woman, a new political party trying to oust Steve's friend Sheriff Landry and a pirate's ghost who keeps appearing in Steve's bedroom. The mysteries are all related to a plot to cheat the local Indians out of a hidden oil deposit on their reservation, but before the villains can be rounded up, Steve, Sinbad and friends have to face a trial by fire in a secret cave. Platt's dialogue is barbed, there's enough going on for several books and by story's end everything is wrapped up nice and tight. More please!

Drew Stevenson, in his review of "The Ghost of Hellsfire Street," in School Library Journal...

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This section contains 173 words
(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
Buy the Critical Essay by Drew Stevenson
Critical Essay by Drew Stevenson from Gale. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved.