This section contains 358 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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[We Talk, You Listen: New Tribes, New Turf] is another product of an era in which advocates are being heard for black power, women's lib, senior power, unionization of teachers, gay liberation, consumer's rights, and unification of higher education. It is also observable that some of these advocates wish their audience simply to accept their version of the situation without being given the opportunity of examining it further. In common with these, Vine Deloria, Jr. gives the reader a view of Indian problems without providing independent means of assessing this information. Hence, as he hops from one topic to the next under the rubrics of the communications gap, stereotyping, black power, and the artificial universe, among others, he provides few clues as to the basics of who, when, where and what. Because of this, it is difficult to learn much from the examples cited, or, indeed, to be...
This section contains 358 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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