The Godfather (film) | Criticism

This literature criticism consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis & critique of The Godfather (film).

The Godfather (film) | Criticism

This literature criticism consists of approximately 2 pages of analysis & critique of The Godfather (film).
This section contains 334 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Critical Essay by Robert Hatch

Among other things, The Godfather is a strongly nostalgic film. Its period is post-World War II, but its flavor is of at least a decade earlier—it is a "big" picture, a Hollywood extravaganza of the sort that used to bring out the truck-mounted searchlights on opening night and the stars fluttering from autograph book to autograph book….

But that said, the success of The Godfather is deplorable, if you believe that popular entertainment both reflects and modifies social morale. In a sentence, the picture forces you to take sides, to form allegiances, in a situation that is totally without moral substance….

The authors of this film would say that they do not pander to vice, and I would agree at least that they do not intend to. They describe the society of Sicilian crime in America in the bleakest possible terms….

In this respect, The Godfather is...

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This section contains 334 words
(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
Buy the Critical Essay by Robert Hatch
Critical Essay by Robert Hatch from Gale. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved.