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Browse through Critical Essays on thousands of literary works to find resources for school projects and papers.
| Showing 251-300 of 411 |
James Joyce's "The Dead" Student Essay, Study Guide, and Literature Criticism by James Joyce
Jane Jacobs and the Coming Dark Age Student Essay
Life Lessons in "A Day No Pigs Would Die" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, and Lesson Plans by Robert Newton Peck
Like Father Like Son Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller

Like Father Like Son

Death of a Salesman

by Arthur Miller

Literary Analysis of "Death of a Salesman" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
Literary Devices in Death of a Salesman Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
Literary Devices in Dracula eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Bram Stoker
Literature and the American Dream Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
London as a Gothic Setting eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Bram Stoker
Love in the Family- Death of a Salesman Essay Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
Love, Valor and Christianity in Dante and Montaigne eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Dante Alighieri
Man or Monster? the Historical Dracula eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Bram Stoker
Man's Destructive Nature, A Comparison of Poetry Student Essay
Manipulation in A Doll's House eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Henrik Ibsen
Mann's Use of Classical Allusions in "Death in Venice" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, and Lesson Plans by Thomas Mann
Missing Father Figures in "Death of a Salesman" and "The Glass Menagerie" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
Modern Warfare Student Essay

Modern Warfare

Dulce et Decorum Est

Mood in the Devil and Tom Walker Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, and Lesson Plans by Washington Irving
More Than Just "A Piece of Fruit" in "Death of a Salesman" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
Movement and Stasis in the Divine Comedy eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Dante Alighieri
Movie Version of "Death of a Salesman" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
My Favorite Dead Poet Student Essay, Study Guide, and Lesson Plans by N.H. Kleinbaum

My Favorite Dead Poet

Dead Poets Society

by N.H. Kleinbaum

Myths and Legends in Modernism Biography, Student Essay, and Literature Criticism
Nora and Torvald: Love or Social Conformity? eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Henrik Ibsen
Nora Helmer Vs. Okonkwo eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Henrik Ibsen
Nora's Conflict with Society in Henrik Ibesn's A Doll's House eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Henrik Ibsen
Nora: An Extraordinary "Doll" in "A Doll's House" eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Henrik Ibsen
Parenting No No's : 101 Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
Paternalism in Dracula eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Bram Stoker
Peck's Theory of Love and Discipline in the film The Dead Poet's Society Student Essay, Study Guide, and Lesson Plans by N.H. Kleinbaum
Poetic War Student Essay

Poetic War

Dulce et Decorum Est

Progression of Evil in Dante's Inferno eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Dante Alighieri
Promoting Democracy in the Middle East Student Essay and Encyclopedia Article by Joan Didion
Realism in A Doll's House eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Henrik Ibsen
Reality and Illusion in "A Streetcar Named Desire" and "Death of a Salesman" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
Reality Vs. Illusion Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller

Reality Vs. Illusion

Death of a Salesman

by Arthur Miller

Reinventions Essay Student Essay

Reinventions Essay

Da Derrty Versions: The Reinvention

Response to Literature "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Student Essay and Study Guide by Dylan Thomas
Rotten to the Core Student Essay and Study Guide by Graham Greene
Rubashov's Absolution of Guilty Betrayal Student Essay, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, and Lesson Plans by Arthur Koestler
Rudy Ruetigger Student Essay

Rudy Ruetigger

Daniel Ruettiger

Ruskin and Dickens: The Nature and Role of Women Student Essay and Study Guide by Charles Dickens
Self Realization in Henry Ibsen's "A Doll's House" eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Henrik Ibsen
Serialization in David Copperfield Student Essay, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, and Lesson Plans by Charles Dickens
Setting and Character of Canto XXV- Circle 8 (Malebolge) Fraudulence in "Inferno." eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Dante Alighieri
Sinners or Survivors: An Interpretation of "Deliverance" Through Dante eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Dante Alighieri
Social Change in "A Doll's House" and "The Cherry Orchard" eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Henrik Ibsen
Social Criticism in "Death of a Salesman" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
Social Criticisms in "Death of a Salesman" Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Literature Criticism, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Arthur Miller
Society's Doll eBook, Student Essay, Encyclopedia Article, Study Guide, Lesson Plans, and Book Notes by Henrik Ibsen

Society's Doll

A Doll's House

by Henrik Ibsen

| Showing 251-300 of 411 |