Thomas Cromwell Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 3 pages of information about the life of Thomas Cromwell.

Thomas Cromwell Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 3 pages of information about the life of Thomas Cromwell.
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Encyclopedia of World Biography on Thomas Cromwell

The English statesman Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex (ca. 1485-1540), was the chief minister of Henry VIII from 1532 to 1540 and was largely responsible for revolutionary reforms in the English Church and in administration of the state.

Thomas Cromwell was born in Putney, near London. His father, Walter Cromwell, was a fuller and shearer of cloth who also worked as a blacksmith, innkeeper, and brewer. Perhaps an unruly youth, Thomas received little formal education. About 1504 he traveled to Flanders and Italy, where he served as a mercenary soldier. While abroad he had an opportunity to learn French and Italian and to observe something of the diplomatic maneuvers of the European powers. When he returned to England about 1513, he married Elizabeth Wykes, whose father was also a shearer. Their only son, Gregory, proved dull and, despite an elaborate education, never achieved prominence.

In 1514 Cromwell entered the service of Thomas Wolsey...

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