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Dictionary of Literary Biography on Neidhart von Reuental
The name Her Nithard van dem Ruwenthal appears for the first time in Eberhard von Cersne's Der minne Regel (1404). Prior to that occurrence, the names Nîthart, Nithard, and Neithart appear without connection with Reuental. The name Riuwental occurs several times in Neidhart's poetry as the (fictional) home of the poet-lover. However, there is no longer general agreement that it is the name of the poet's actual home. Wolfram von Eschenbach refers to the poet in his Willehalm as "her Nîthart." Since this work has usually been dated between 1210 and 1220, Neidhart seems to have become an established poet early in the thirteenth century. It has been assumed that he was born in or around Landshut in Bavaria, where he was presumably in the service of Duke Ludwig I of Bavaria, although Karl Bertau has suggested that the area that includes Salzburg, Berchtesgaden, Hallein, and Reichenhall...
This section contains 1,432 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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