John Grisham Biography

This Biography consists of approximately 17 pages of information about the life of John Grisham.
This section contains 4,815 words
(approx. 17 pages at 300 words per page)
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Authors and Artists for Young Adults on John Grisham

The author of fourteen back-to-back bestsellers, many of which have been turned into blockbuster movies, John Grisham can count his revenues and copies sold of his legal thrillers in the hundreds of millions. Translated into more than thirty languages, Grisham was one of the major success stories in publishing during the 1990s. As Malcolm Jones noted in Newsweek, Grisham was "the best-selling author" of the decade with his formula of "David and Goliath go to court," and the success of his books has helped to make legal thrillers one of the most popular genres among U.S. readers. Jones further commented, "As part of an elite handful of megaselling authors that includes Stephen King, Danielle Steele, Michael Crichton and Tom Clancy, Grisham has literally taken bookselling to places it's never been before--not just to airport kiosks but to price clubs and, most recently, online bookselling." Grisham's best-sellerdom even...

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This section contains 4,815 words
(approx. 17 pages at 300 words per page)
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John Grisham from Gale. ©2005-2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson Corporation. All rights reserved.