"Young Girls" is a short story excerpt by French author Marcel Proust. It was included in a 75-page unedited manuscript written in 1908 and released in April 2021. The manuscript was discovered in the private files of the publisher Bernard de Fallois, and its pages contain a number of references to Proust's seven-volume novel, In Search of Lost Time. In "Young Girls," Proust presents many of the same themes that would pervade his masterpiece, including time, love, and memory.
The French novelist Marcel Proust (1871-1922) ranks as one of the greatest literary figures of the 20th century. He abandoned plot and traditional dramatic action for the vision of the first-person na...
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Marcel Proust is generally considered the greatest French novelist of the twentieth century. His reputation, which derives almost exclusively from the importance of his multivolume novel Remembrance o...
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In 1936 Léon Pierre-Quint claimed that the vogue for A la recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of Things Past) was ended and that Marcel Proust was destined henceforth to interest only thesis ...
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