Wilder Girls Overview
Rory Power's novel, Wilder Girls, is the story of a group of girls stranded on Raxter Island off the coast of Maine. The girls are students at a boarding school. After a strange parasite invades the island, the girls are alone for more than a year with only two adults. Three of the girls, Hetty, Byatt, and Reese are constant companions before the invasion, which they call the Tox. They have been unable to stop the spread as their classmates and teachers fall victim to an array of strange symptoms. Many have died. When Byatt is taken from the school, Hetty is determined to find her, but Hetty soon discovers there is a cost for every action. Only Hetty, Reese, and Byatt manage to leave the island before the military jets arrive to bomb it. The novel's main themes are the importance of hope, the role of friendships, and self-preservation.
Study Pack
The Wilder Girls Study Pack contains: