The Wedding Summary
Danielle Steel

Everything you need to understand or teach The Wedding by Danielle Steel.

  • The Wedding Summary & Study Guide

The Wedding Summary

The main theme of the novel is love and relationships, two ideas Steel often addresses in her work. Much of the main and secondary plots are developed around a search for love. Allegra thought she had found true love until she discovered Brandon's affair.

This discovery, however, is a good thing, for it allows her to break free of a stifling, cold, and unfulfilling relationship. She is then able to reap the bounty of true love with Jeff Hamilton, a man who supports her career choices and provides her with unconditional love. Through these two relationships, Steel illustrates how a good love match feeds the heart and soul while a poor match eats away at one's self-esteem and security.

In the subplot involving Hollywood stars Alan Carr and Carmen Connors, love is the great normalizer in their fast-paced, chaotic lives. Before they meet, they have successful careers that...

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Study Pack

The The Wedding Study Pack contains:

The Wedding Short Guide