In venturing to follow up my translation of the Odes
of Horace by a version of the Satires and Epistles,
I feel that I am in no way entitled to refer to the
former as a justification of my bo...
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Horace (65 BC-8 BC), or Quintus Horatius Flaccus, was a Roman lyric poet, satirist, and literary critic. He is generally considered one of the greatest lyric poets of the world.Horace's boast was to h...
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Horace wrote poetry ranging from iambi (epodes) and sermones (satires and epistles) to carmina (lyrics). These poems paint a detailed self-portrait--laughing poet of moderation; ironic and gentle mora...
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Biography EssayHorace wrote poetry ranging from iambi (epodes) and sermones (satires and epistles) to carmina (lyrics). These poems paint a detailed self-portrait—laughing poet of moderation; ...
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