In The Rooster Bar by John Grisham, students Mark Frazier, Todd Lucero and Zola Maal believed they had been cheated by a for-profit law school that charged them high tuition rates and encouraged them to rack up huge amounts in student loans with the promise of a lucrative career. With only one semester of college to go and only limited job opportunities in sight, the three managed to pull off a racketeering scheme, stealing more than $4 million from the man they credited with having stolen their futures. Themes in the novel include the deterioration of the American Dream, techniques of manipulation by for-profit schools and lone agencies, and the prevalence of bad lawyers.
Popular novelist John Grisham (born 1955) is the author of several thrillers that have been made into blockbuster films. His works, which center around the legal profession, include A Time to Kill,The...
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The author of fourteen back-to-back bestsellers, many of which have been turned into blockbuster movies, John Grisham can count his revenues and copies sold of his legal thrillers in the hundreds of m...
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