The Ramsay Scallop Summary
Frances Temple

Everything you need to understand or teach The Ramsay Scallop by Frances Temple.

  • The Ramsay Scallop Summary & Study Guide

The Ramsay Scallop Summary

In 1299, before the turn of the century, Europeans are experiencing religious and social turmoil. People fear the end of the world. Some escape the need to make spiritual and moral decisions by engaging in drunken brawls and orgies. Christians try to expiate their sins in preparation for Judgment Day. Religious leaders like Father Paul think sinners must withdraw from the world, pray and meditate, practice selfdenial, and reject temptation while awaiting Doomsday. Father Gregory thinks sinners must "walk away from" sin and guilt by confession, praying for salvation, and doing a penance, such as performing an arduous task or going on a pilgrimage to a religious shrine. Lady Elenor of Ramsay Castle and Sir Thomas Thornham, burdened by personal sins and guilt, take the written confessions of people in Thornham village and go on pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint James at Santiago de Compostela in spiritual preparation...

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Study Pack

The The Ramsay Scallop Study Pack contains:

The Ramsay Scallop Short Guide