This novel, first written and published in 1979, is the story of an indigenous Nigerian woman struggling to be what she believes to be a good mother while also struggling to reconcile her traditional rural culture with quickly evolving urban life. Both these sets of struggles play out within a cultural and narrative context of racially-defined colonialism, all of which are in turn thematically connected to explorations of the relationship between the dead and the living, and of the qualities and experiences of being a woman.
The Joys of Motherhood
by Buchi Emecheta
Florence Onyebuchi (“Buchi”) Emecheta was born in Lagos, Nigeria, in 1944. Her childhood was divided between the large city of Lagos in southw...
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Biography EssayBuchi Emecheta is to date the most important female African writer. The extent of her output and the centrality of her subject matter-the role of women in present-day Africa-have put he...
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Buchi Emecheta is to date the most important female African writer. The extent of her output and the centrality of her subject matter--the role of women in present-day Africa--have put her in this pos...
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