The Dark Secret Overview
Tui Sutherland's fantasy novel, Wings of Fire Book 4; The Dark Secret, continues the adventures of five dragonets in the land of Pyrrhia, a country overwhelmed by civil war. In this installment, a NightWing named Starflight is kidnapped by his own tribe. It is then that he comes face-to-face with their cruel and ruthless ways. He meets his father, the epitome of a mad scientist. Then, Starflight finds that he is braver than he imagined when he escapes from the NightWings and returns with an army of RainWings to rescue members of their tribe and protect their Rainforest home. Starflight also discovers that a particularly cruel NightWing named Morrowseer made up the dragonet prophecy as part of a complicated ploy to find a new home for the NightWing tribe. Morrowseer is among those who die when the NightWing island is destroyed by a volcano. The Dark Secret addresses themes pertaining to communication, friendship, self-preservation, expectations, and self-identity.
Study Pack
The The Dark Secret Study Pack contains:
The Dark Secret Study Guide