Everything you need to understand or teach The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny.
In many respects the Amber novels represent a more detailed and elaborate exploration of the themes embodied in Lord of Light. Corwin, the protagonist, and his siblings are immortals (at least they do not die of natural causes; although incredibly tough, they are not immune to violent death), but their long lives and extraordinary powers have bred in them an arrogance and capriciousness which make them an amoral, manipulative elite. The disappearance and presumed death of their father Oberon has touched off a vicious battle for the succession between rival factions of the family — a display of intrigue, betrayal, and counterplots that recalls the Borgia family at its most Machiavellian. Yet within this drift to moral anarchy, a counterforce begins to emerge, as some of the siblings, notably Corwin and his brother Random, begin a slow growth to maturity (one of the novel's ironies is that it...