The Chocolate War is a young adult novel set at a private, Catholic day school. One of the teachers uses school funds to buy chocolates to sell to raise money for the school. One student named Jerry refuses to sell the chocolates as an assignment from the secret society called The Vigils. When he refuses to sell the chocolates even after the assignment ends, a war erupts with Jerry as the target of a brutal physical battle.
The Chocolate War
by Robert Cormier
Robert Cormier, born in Leominster, Massachusetts, in 1925, would later raise a family of three daughters and a son there. During his adolescence, Robert Cormier...
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Biography Essay"Teen-agers' Laureate," the title conferred upon Robert Cormier by Tony Schwartz in Newsweek (16 July 1979), is fittingly bestowed upon this widely read and critically acclaimed author ...
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"Terrorism, suicide, child murder, betrayal, personality destruction, and governmental and religious corruption." They might seem more like topics for television movies-of-the-week than themes for you...
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Robert Cormier began his life in the French-Canadian section of Leominster, Massachusetts on January 17, 1925. "We lived in a three-story tenement. I remember my mother and father heating up the water...
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While Robert Cormier began his career writing fiction for adults, The Chocolate War (1974) established his reputation as an author of young adult literature. He says that he writes novels with young p...
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[This entry was updated by Sylvia Patterson Iskander (University of Southwestern Louisiana) from her entry in the Concise Dictionary of American Literary Biography, volume 6, pp. 34-51.]"Teen-agers' L...
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"My Name is Jerry Renaults and I"m not going to sell the chocolates", Jerry says aloud in his empty apartment. Chocolates, we are talking about chocolates. What is the big deal? They are just a sim...
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Robert Cormier depicts characters in his novel, The Chocolate War, as victims and others as aggressors. Cormier does this through descriptions of the characters interactions and relations with...
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In this essay, I am going to wrote about the role and structure of The Vigils in Rober Cormier's `The Chocolate War.' The plot is about how freshman, Jerry Renault, starts to rebel against `The System...
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